
Would someone please give me an opinion on my hair and tutorials youtube?

by  |  earlier

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i dont get any subscribers, or comments or anything? any suggestions to make it better or what tutorials i could do?




  1. well... you're a little quiet... maybe a LITTLE boring at effense!!! You should be more fun and sound more happy in your voice! And it takes time for you to get subscribers and comments. Your videos haven't been up for that long. Be patient!!!

  2. Their ok but i don't want to sound rude but i kind of don't understand why people would subscribe, comment i get though.

    You sound bubbly and nice but videos take a while to take off so don't worry.

  3. Your trying to be like this girl she is great and has millions of views and thousands of subscribers her link is below, i watched your videos and the lighting is too dark and your a bit dull. sorry you wanted truth take a look at her vids for inspiration

  4. Well you only have 6 videos, and the oldest one is only 21 hours!

    Just be patient.  

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