
Would someone steal this from my car?

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I've always had a gold cross hanging from my rearview mirror. My friend's uncle is selling his SC430 (convertible). I am obviously going to hang my cross in the rearview mirror...I might on occasion leave the top you think anyone would actually try to steal the cross if I did?




  1. I have to agree with most of the other posters. If something looks like it has any value, and its easy to grab, some lowlife will steal it. You can count on that, unfortunately.

  2. depends on what kind of neighborhood or area you live in. i mean, obviously if there are like teens on parole in your neighborhood then you should take it down.

      i think that if this cross is really special to you, you should take it down every time you know you will be out of your car for a long time.

       you just have to be careful. i know this is a little bit different, but, i have my great grandmother's rosary  tied around my wrist all the time. so when i go to the gym or to the pool, i always make sure to put it in my purse or in my locker.

       =]good luck-Sarah

  3. yes take it off everytime you leave

  4. it would probably get stolen

  5. Yes, some losers will steal anything.

  6. i dono, but that'd be dumb, i guess just take it down and put it in your glove box when you get out to just to be safe, or if you can get another, just leave it there and see.

  7. yes, this is America. We stole our country from the Indians, you're cross is as good as gone.

    On a different note, people don't always steal from ragtops... A friend of mine has a convertible that he used to leave the top down on. Until one day some dude left him a nice present on the passenger seat.. This idiot hopped in the front seat and dropped a duece then covered it up w/ a section of the local paper. That was the last time he left the top down.

  8. YES people will steel anything copper, gold and or silver at how high in value they ae these days

  9. check this out i my dad had a body shop and he sold cars every now and then no big he had a 1990ish dodge caravan(this was like 10 years ago)whatever anyway someone wanted the stock radio did they break the window no they took a pry bar or something and pryed back the door until they could open it then insted of using the cheap pins to remove the radio they decided a saw zaw would be a better choice

    there was like a 1'hole right in the middle where the radio was

    he fixed the wiring and spent like a afternoon fixing the door and upright and then took a loss on the thing

    people will steal anything if they need cash

    those wheel locks are great but whats keeping someone from unbolting the axel(stright axel)

    same deal as without locks  hammer a hi jack and about 20 min you find your car sitting on the frame

    anyone ever have a body kit stolen

    i lost a carbon fiber hood(a reason not to use pins)while i was at a party in town

    i was mad but i just drove the car home(without the hood) and grabed a stock one from a yard the next day

    i have lost lots of parts off my toys that sit in the woods to a point to where i am considering some form of container to put them in( i have lost body parts engine parts, suspension parts,tires rims i caught two kids with a deer camera and had the police visit them but i was still losing stuff then i lost the dang deer camera)

    so yea if they think they can make money off of it they will take it


  10. People will steal anything, I had a 73 F100 ford pickup and some one stole the  metal ash tray out of the dash. Nothing else just the ash tray.I did not care about that but they broke a window to get in.  .

  11. i dont think so...but i dont know where you live so just judge on the area

  12. who knows... some people will steal anything.

    but, its also a very bad idea to leave your top down when you're parked someplace... people will try to steal your stereo, car parts, maybe even your car... so just to be safe, put the top up when you can!

  13. dip your cross in acid and surprise the next thief hehehe

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