
Would special forces be a good mos for the army??

by Guest60830  |  earlier

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i am phisically and mentally prepared for top of the line jobs




  1. Special Forces isn't an MOS? Orly?

    I was offered 18X by my recruiter before I went to Basic. I had high asvab scores, HSD, some college, no medical problems, no law problems, good credit and was in good shape. I turned it down wanting to get my feet wet in a less hardcore MOS, not sure if this was what I wanted to be doing for the next four years, before committing to the long, intense and harsh training of SF.

    Special Forces Branch (SF)

        * 18B Special Forces Weapons Sergeant

        * 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant

        * 18D Special Forces Medical Sergeant

        * 18E Special Forces Communications Sergeant

        * 18F Special Forces Assistant Operations & Intelligence Sergeant

        * 18X Special Forces Candidate

        * 18Z Special Forces Operations Sergeant

  2. Actually, you won't know for sure that you are physically and/or mentally prepared for it, not until you sweat it by experience.  I've known Marines that have taken the Force Recon Indoc that thought that they were prepared both ways; they ended up going back to their unit.  Like all SOF training, they provide you with mental and physical challenges to test you; they'll produce situations that you'll never had been prepared for; that is why they call it trainig!  It isn't a cake walk-where everybody is able to walk in, eat the cake and be satisfied.  But if you believe that this is what you want, then good luck and I hope you make it!  Being in a SOF unit is very rewarding since you are their to provide and support your 'real' warriors, the grunts on the battlefield!  It feels great that you have provided your commander the intelligence that is required to save the lives of the Infantry!

  3. Uh, Special Forces isn't an MOS.

  4. Sure, but it is extremely difficult to get into.  My husband's friend just did, and there is a rigorous test that you have to pass, plus a long (maybe two years?) school that you can still flunk out of at any time.  Good luck, I hope you succeed!

  5. Actually, SF is an MOS. More than 1 in fact. As for a good choice, it is always good to shoot for the top, but be sure to consider the op tempo and dangerous lifestyle you will lead. Think what it would do to your family should you choose to have one. However, it doesn't get much more rewarding than to be a snake eater.

  6. Special Forces isn't an MOS, it's a designation due to your unit assignment.

    Once you complete the "Q" course you'll be "SF Qualified" but, if you don't serve in that capacity, lets say as a CO for an infantry unit, your an SF qualified infantry officer.  You'll need an assignment to an SF group to get the 18 series MOS.

    It's a tough life, forget relationships, you'll be expected to educate yourself, not many SF without a college degree, you'll have to maintain yourself, no one will push you, you have to do it, or your out, and then, good luck getting back in.

  7. Special forces is an MOS, but you have to become some kind of combat arms, then apply to be special forces after graduating AIT.

    You have to go to a selections process, and a very difficult school. A lot of people don't make it through, but if you think you have what it takes go for it....

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