
Would starting a blog help improve my writing skills?

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I'm 15 and am really interested in journalism as a future career, I am currently in the achievers english class at school and generally do well in English. I would howether like to further my writing skills (as I realise they're essential for journalism) and was wondering if starting a blog would be a good way to do this. I would also like to do what sites I can use to start my blog, preferbly one in which people who know what their talking about would give me feedback on my writing. Any other suggestions you have as to how to improve my writing would also be much appreciated




  1. If you're looking for feedback on your writing, a blog isn't going to work very well.  Open discussion usually degrades into a free-for-all and rarely helps the writer to actually discuss his work.

    I would recommend joining an actual Writer's group.  There are a few online.  Writer's Cafe for example.  Also, look for writing support groups in your area.

    One thing you can do that I recommend to EVERY aspiring writer I've ever spoken to is read Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott.  She has the most incredible perspective on being a writer I've ever seen.  Her book changed my life.

    Good luck on your chosen profession.

  2. blogging doesnt help,

    but open up a note book go some where quite scribble down all of your thoughts.

    Then usually you could write upon that.

    Become your own narorator for every day things in your head..


    "her lips started to twitch when she saw her friend's new coat"

    stuff like that.

    I got that from my english teacher and it helps.

    because when your writing you can think back to a time where you narrorated your self and it helps you write what is happening in your writing.

    hope i helped!

  3. Nope, blogging is a place to write something for others to read, point, and laugh...if you want to improve your writting skills, strive HARDER in school.

  4. No blogging will destroy your writing skills.

  5. it would help, as would reading a dictionary

  6. Writing a blog may or may not help your writing.

    If you have bad habits and don't recognise them, then you will continue with those. However, if you read a dictionary and thesaurus as you type, you should improve your language skills.

    Be prepared for negative feedback. Somepeople love to tell you how you can improve without being able to deliver their crisism constuctively.

    On the whole I think it's a great idea, go for it.

    Journalism - Who; What; Where; When; How; Why. These are the questions you need to answer. Something I was told, it really helps.

    PhotoBucket carry blogs, but I think that you'd be better off finding a host that carries other blogs of a similar nature to the one you want to start.

    Having a blog is also a great way to show potential employers or universities one aspect of your writing style.

    Oh and I forgot - read, read like your life depends on it. Every newspaper or magazine that you can get your hands on. Books of every style, from trash through to great novels.

  7. Hi PoS,

    The oldest technique for improving writing is to keep a journal or diary. You can go the blog route but be aware that that you won't always have something interesting to write about. There are very few blogs out there that are even worth revisiting.

    In reference to journalism, try translating a broadsheet article of your choice into a tabloid article. Then, using internet for additional facts, translate a tabloid article into broadsheet.

    A little bit of proof reading practice wouldn't hurt either! One or two mistakes up there. lol!

    I hope you succeed in this and do well in your English GCSEs. Good Luck PoS : )

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