
Would stress management be considered a strength or a weakness?

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Would stress management be considered a strength or a weakness?




  1. A strength IMO. It takes a certain amount of courage to realize you need help to manage something as personal as stress. It takes no courage to fail at managing it on your own.

  2. strength because you aknowledge you need help,

    here watch this, itl take a load of stress off you, trust me :] its theraputic

    hope this helps!

  3. Effectively managing stress is definitely a strength.

  4. Strength. It takes a lot of guts to admit that you have a problem and even more to seek help for it.

  5. Strength.

    We all have stress from a variety of sources in our lives. The difference is the intensity or quantity of stress and how we handle it or manage it.  When we manage stress in a way that makes us more productive or gives us better feelings of ease and confidence, we are able to function in all areas of our life with more positive results.

  6. Strength  

  7. Strength.   More people need that.

  8. Strength. In this day and age we all need it just to cope with the day to day events of life. Good luck!

  9. I'd call it wisdom

  10. A strength.  One of the hardest thing in the world for some people to do is to ask for help.  So, I'd consider that person strong for realizing they need help managing their stress.

  11. a huge strength.  Your life and job will get stressful, it is good to have a way to manage that stress.  

    Management of the stress will keep you productive in the workplace and keep you healthier over all.

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