
Would taxing idiots make more money than the present system and be fairer?

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Would taxing idiots make more money than the present system and be fairer?




  1. I was going to say idiots wont make enough money, but then remembered approximately 90% of all senior managers I've ever known....

  2. We already tax people who are very bad at's called the lottery.

  3. Taxing idiots would mean we'd probably need a Bureau of Idiots to oversee idiot selection and process all the paperwork. . . run and staffed by, you guessed it, *idiots*.

    How much do you want to bet that they'd figure out how to cheat on their "idiot taxes"?

    I think this may actually result in a net loss, since idiots like to be paid a lot to do essentially nothing.  They're drawing a salary, yet not paying most of their taxes.

  4. I should think so, I mean idiots make up at least 90 percent of our population so you'd be making some pretty decent cash

  5. No

    Idiots don't have a very high earning capacity and wouldn't be as lucrative as smarter people.


    Yes, I think we should tax idiots who waste their time thinking of schemes to bring more division into the world instead of cooperation.


    tax the drug dealers and under the table works....

    giggle tax the idiots. well some say that the lottery is already the "idiot tax"

  8. Absolutely not, why would feminist have to pay for everything, it just wouldn't be right!!!

  9. I'm with LTD 100%.

  10. The present system is fairly idiotic as it is. How they spend the money is the real issue.

    There should be an idiot meter tacked on all spending.

    "spending alert" ... code: red

  11. Yes...but then...who would decide who is an idiot?  How would you appoint those that would make such a determination....because you see...most idiots don't know they're idiots.....

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