
Would tennis worsen scoliosis?

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i heard that it affects your spine.




  1. each person is different, so you should check with your doctor.-

    but exercise it's recomended in these cases, and see james blake,the docs told his parents he wasn't going to walk by age 13, so, i guess it depends.-

    again, check with your doc, i haven't gotten my doctors dregree yet.-

  2. It's Jame Blake that has scoliosis...and it's more than mild. But he is doing great. I mean, he's top 10 or whatever, so you can't get much better than that.

    I have very mild scolio and play. I think any exercise you do can only help.

  3. i wouldnt think so, but maybe if you played too much you could make your back worse. james black has scoli and obviously he plays pretty intensley. lots of people have a mild scoliosis that isn't even detected or is detetced thru flukey x-rays or something. but yeah im not entirely sure maybe ask an osteopath.

  4. You should never let your disadvantages prevent you from doing what you love most.

    Yeah tennis does affect your spine with the swings you take, but almost every sport (even badminton and golf) does.  I suffer from minor scolio but I am getting it treated through therapy. There are just a few exercises that I do to keep my spine straight. I still play and compete in tournaments. It's still safe as long as I do these exercises.

    Seek advice on what you should or shouldn't do from your therapist and follow it.

    Keep playing tennis. Don't let scolio interfere w/ it.

    Good luck!

  5. Exercise is always good for strengthening your core muscles.  Tennis won't make your scoliosis worse.  You may not be as flexable but go have fun.  Your body will tell you if you need to stop.

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