
Would the Aug. 28 SONA (State of the Nation Address) tell the government's accomplishments of the past year

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Or does the earthquake predicted to occur on July 18th FALL pala on the date of the SONA with walls and roofs crumbling down on SMOLE as she delivers it?




  1. For sure, GMA will exaggerate the accomplishments of her administration.  She'll be singing the same old tune --- as in lie lie la la la...lie lie lie.  So what else is new?  IF there is going to be a disaster, can it please fall on one person only???

  2. She'll proudly deliver the accomplishments done by her administration!

    Don't forget to list down her promises for this year's SONA!

  3. I do hope you're wrong.   Everyone of consequence in the Republic would be there.

    And Darlene would be there, too.   I don't want her hurt.  Or, how about this Cayetano congresswoman?  She looks nice, too.   And how about Imee Marcos?  Hasn't she transformed into a beauty?

    About the SONA,  of course the President would harp on accomplishments.  But if I know this lady, she would also admit to the mountainous problems ahead and exhort  the nation to face them with resolve.

  4. err ... ok ... sure ...

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