
Would the Canadian bus beheading have received more worldwide media coverage if it had happened in the USA?

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Would the Canadian bus beheading have received more worldwide media coverage if it had happened in the USA?




  1. Agreed, and then there would be a huge uproar about knife-violence and the need to ban them.

  2. I think something as unusual as that would make headlines almost anywhere in the world.

  3. Canada does like to screen its news. I've noticed that when I google things. After a few weeks the news item mysteriously vanishes from any sites on the Internet. As for your question, you are right, people only care about what bad things happen here in the US. If it had happened here it would've been thought of as a reflection of all US society, not a random event. Funny how the canadian press was going on about how it was unprecedented in Canadian history---it was unprecedented in all of the West's history! (Although stuff like that does happen in Africa and other violent-stricken third-world nations.

  4. its a horrible thing no matter where it happened. its surprising that it happened in canada i think it got about as much attention as it needed i hope it changes something tim would have wanted it to  

  5. No.  Especially not if a citizen carrying a concealed pistol stopped the murder.  The media only like to talk about "gun crime" and "hate crimes" in the USA.

  6. Well part of the problem is canada doesn't have the freedom of information as does the United States so it's hard for people to get information from there. In the United States the identities of all involved would have been released immediately. Canada keeps things underwraps for months and even years. They do not have an open book society as does the United States.

  7. No. If someone farts in the US it makes international news. No one cares about canada no matter what goes on there.

  8. I thought it did have fairly wide coverage, considering I saw a story on BBC news about it. It didn't get wide coverage as an American event because we are not as sensationalist. We turn immediately to mourn the tragedy, not to fear and scream that something must be done! It was an act of random violence, almost nothing could have been done.

  9. O.K. It made it all over the news in the US...Is the Canadadain Government screening your 'news' again, not letting it's own people in on global events?

    Yeah, that happens a lot in countrys with SUBJECTS.

  10. you bet ye.

  11. The goal of the media is to disparrage the USA and make it look horrible, worse than anyplace on earth. So if something hiddeous happens in another country it goes under the radar.

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