
Would the Government tell us if they found Alien Life in or outside of Earth?

by Guest34191  |  earlier

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Or would there be a mass coverup?




  1. It depends on what kind of life we are talking about. If we are talking

    about X-files scenarios with crashed spaceships,

    secret technology and mysterious illegal

    biology experiments on humans, then likely not. Great fiction,

    but keeping anything big quiet makes it less likely as being

    factualy. Of course, you never know. Likely the alien visitation

    story is a ready source of disinformation regarding spottings

    of secret (totally manmade) experimental aircraft.

    However, recall that scientists at NASA did announce that they

    that structures in a Mars meteorite were possibly of biological origin.

  2. They'd cover it up mainly because they don't want the public to panic.  They might want to keep it secret so no one will find out what they're doing and overthrow them

  3. I think it depends on what kind of life they found. If they landed on Mars and found a moldy rock or a fossilized bug, or a live bug. I think they'd tell us. But if they found a hyper-intelligent hyper-violent species that neutralized our weapons and annihilated the squad, no way in heck would they tell us.

  4. The US government cannot be trusted.  Watch the 1987 documentaries "The Secret Government" Constitution in Crisis - Hosted by Bill Moyers and "The Secret Heartbeat of America - the Mena story.  Although these deal with the 1985 Oliver North  Iran-Contra fiasco, during the Reagan era - it highlights how untrusty the US Government is, notably using the CIA.  This is also present in the events of 9-11 -- in which details about the events themselves do not confirm the official story told by the Bush administration.  This also happened with the TWA-800 aircrash, the Oklahoma City Bombing ...  Just look at the occupation in Iraq - how sensible is that?

    The true story about UFOs and ETs have been kept secret for decades - there are all sorts of things going on, which confuses the true nature of this.

    I do recomend this source:

    (also [English Discussion Board])

    I have been researching into this for the past 5 years, and have found it interesting and worthwhile.  There is a lot of content here, to absorb....

  5. The government is not looking for alien life, private people are. If those private people found alien life, whould the Government try to make them keep it secret? Maybe. Would the government succeed in making them keep it secret? Probably not. Especially if the people were in France or Japan or South Africa and it was the U.S. government trying to keep the secret it would not succeed.  

  6. No, at least not for decades. They waited before they told us about the comet hitting the sun in the seventies. They never divulged that six presidents almost hit THE BUTTON. They just couldn't let on that a live nuc bomb was dropped on the southern coast of Spain. But they could not keep that Apollo disaster from hitting the airwaves. And they allowed a person like Richard Nixon to lead this country for 2 terms. That alone should explain alot.

  7. Why would they cover it up would be a better question.

  8. That begs the questions whether the government would be the first to find alien life, and whether the aliens (if intelligent) would consent to having their existence covered up by Earthling governments.

    The notion that Earthling governments would necessarily cover up the existence of aliens is a corollary to the "UFOs are alien spacecraft" theory.  The proponents of that theory have to come up with an explanation for why, after decades of handwaving claims, there is no credible evidence for their claims.  All they've come up with so far to explain the lack of evidence is that the government "must obviously" be covering it up.  (I.e., it can't possibly be that no such evidence exists, and therefore their claims are false.)

    If you pay enough attention to some of the UFO enthusiasts, you discover that their motives are really about accusations of government coverup and have not much to do with whether there is scientific evidence of alien visitation.  They just want an excuse to believe that authority is evil and deceptive.

    EDIT 1:

    The notion that the general public would necessarily panic at the revelation of alien life is part of the UFO mythos.  As I said, the UFO enthusiasts need a hypothesis for why there's no evidence of aliens.  They speculate that the government's hiding it.  The next logical question is why they would do that.  So the UFO enthusiasts -- without any evidence -- say it's to keep people from panicking.

    The typical argument revolves around Orson Welle's radio program "War of the Worlds," which did induce panic (so the UFO people say) because it involved aliens.  They conveniently forget that it involved an alien INVASION.  People panicked because they thought the country was being invaded, not because there were allegedly aliens.

    A brief perusal of fictional literature reveals a century-old treatment of space aliens.  Clearly this is not an idea that bothers the majority of human beings.  There's no evidence that knowledge of aliens would raise a panic.


  10. There's no reason not to tell us. Have you ever known any government to keep any secret?  Me either.

  11. The answer to your question is complex. Much depends upon the nature of the alien contact. For example, lets say that these beings were between 500 and 1000 years more advanced than ourselves. What if they had found solutions to all of their social, economic, and political problems and had found a way to unify all members of their world civilization. Lets further say that political systems like capitalism and communism had long fallen to the way side and the alien lived by a totally new order.

    Now, if you were an earth bound government would you want the people to know about these aliens and their more perfect society, government, and way of life?  Of course not, there would be an immediate fear that the people would call for new reforms world wide in order to create a new means of governing the people of the world.  Do you really think that those rulers and heads of government would want the people to have knowledge of the alien world?  No, of course not.  There would be too great a risk of losing control over the people and over the resources of this world.

    Short answer: No!  The government would lie.

  12. No they would not..The government has a rule that they need to keep the world from becoming Chaotic out of control so anything they deem a security concern to the world they would never reveal and Alien life is one of them...

  13. no they wouldnt. thats the only reason why area 51 exists. it is told that area 51 holds top secret studies about alien life that has been discovered. also project bluebook. it contains every top secret project that goes on within the facility which only the president can see.

  14. it's simple no.

    A) those in power would first try and use it to thier benefit

    B) after it became public they would use it to benefit thier race or country. (buddies in offices}

    C) once they had used it for all they could get they would make it public.

    sometimes it's a very sad world we live in.

  15. 99% of course they would tell us.

    but, if some some gov't agency got ahold of an alien book "1001 Ways To Dominate the Planet" i doubt they would make that public.

    now, what's the chance of THAT?

  16. You're assuming that the "government" is an all-powerful entity that can control all information all over the world.  

    No government can control everything.

    NASA is an American space agency, so the US government could theoretically suppress information from that agency.

    But NASA is not the only space agency in the world - the ESA is just as important in space exploration and research.

    Projects such as Phoenix or the ISS are not single-nation endeavours - they are the co-operative efforts of many nations.  So while one government might be able to suppress information of its own agencies and peoples, no government can suppress everything.

    And with the Internet and other methods of instant communication, hiding that kind of information would be impossible.

    As to why they (whoever "they" are) would cover it up - I don't think they would.  It wouldn't gain them anything, and it would be too difficult to control.

  17. Only when they were ready & thought society could handle such news.

    Cheers !

  18. The best and only reasonable solution to the Fermi Paradox is that we are the ONLY show in the town... sorry kid.

    But if you just HAVE to believe in ETs and UFOs, the antichrist has something special in store for you. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    Type III 'aliens' and fake 'messiahs' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew in advance:

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-13

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