
Would the Liberal women here...?

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be more accepting of Sarah Palin had she decided to murder her fetus when she discovered he had Downs Syndrome?




  1. Strong & striking a nerve.Palin stands for pro life & is a member of the NRA . That's enough to scare any liberal! True, she doesn't have a lot of experience, but she didn't spend most of hers , campaigning for office like you know who. I commend her for her courage & devotion to her child & likewise to her others. To me , that shows moral fiber & something the left wing liberal (not all) seem to lack. These liberal feminists are really a small # compared to the rest of the nation & pose no real threat - ony if people like the democratic party & the left wing fanatics jump on their bandwagon & make those policies their own. I still have to say , McCain's looking a little weak with this pick & appears to be playing the game just like the opposition. I am dissapointed ,not in his pick, but in his reasoning behind it. I thought our party was better than that even though all politics is shady & we should all realise that before blindly clinging to a candidate. This election is really going to be a mind blower- just wait & see what comes crawling out of the woodwork. Still, Obama is not the answer & I fear for our youth as well as our future if he does somehow get elected. America, please wake up & don't swallow just any pill handed you.Decide with honor & common sense .

  2. You don't get it?  Liberals favor CHOICE. Palin had the right to make her own decision and she did.  Sounds fine to me.

    Palin doesn't want other women to have the same rights she did.  That's my problem with Palin.  She is too extreme.

  3. Buttock Obama...cute.

    She sure woulda picked up all the US Femi-n***s.

  4. hahah why are you republicans using Sarah's CHOICE to give birth as something heroic??  Or a symbol of anything other then a womans choice to give birth?  I don't believe the right to have or not to have an abortion even fits here.. She CHOSE not to...  The only way that fits is IF she choose to abort which she and MANY MANY other women have made the same choice.. No one has ever tried to FORCE abortions! It's their right to choose...   How does having the child make this lady special??

    haha I love the spin the republicans are trying to use as if this lady has done something special and against the dem view...   She chose to have a baby.. believe me it's done everyday.. I don't believe that she would ever be told she had to abort this child...

  5. I'm pro-choice. as in pro- CHOICE. its her descision, all i care about is her right to choose. You people seem to not understand that. i have to repeat myself way too many times. seriously.

  6. don't be a crock o mama,liberals are not pro abortion, i would never have one, they are pro choice, as in to or not to have an abortion. we don't like the government telling us what we can do with our bodies

  7. That is a good point.

    Liberals claim they are "pro-choice" but the only choice they respect is abortion.

  8. no, but i would be more accepting of her had she not been opposed to equal pay for equal work, if she had more experience, and she wasn't a pentecostal.  

  9. Your first poster cracks me up saying she has no experience. At least shes been a governor of a state and not just a junior senator from the state of Illinois. She has more experience than Obama does.  

  10. Silly, silly question.

    And silly, silly name.

  11. No

    Dude, you just took my prize for the worst question of the day.

    And the day has only started.




  12. No

  13. That is none of my business & no I would not be accepting of her no matter what. We have democrats that are a million times better than her running & even if they weren't she is involved in an investigation she has admitted to & I can not believe people have such low standards to be excited about her.

  14. I find this question interesting as it implies liberal women want babies with impairments to be aborted. If in fact liberal women feel this way, please supply links. But I'm just going to go with it and say, I think liberal women may have other issues with Palin which have nothing to do with abortion rights.  

  15. Sarah Palin have no experience what so ever.If she have  some she won't stay in alaska pumped up 5 kid.

  16. her down syndrome baby has nothing to do with this, besides there are rumors going around that she is just trying to save the families honor after her daughters abortion attempt failed.

  17. I agree with "you".  Pro-choice, does not mean pro-abortion.

  18. No, but they sure won't be voting for her. I think she was a terrible choice.

    I'm voting for BOB BARR.

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