
Would the NAU justify secession from the U.S.A.?

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I have been hearing talk about some union between the U.S., Canada and Mexico into one North American Union. This union would have all open boarders, a government, and one common currency, the Amero.

This would be just another government trying to control our lives. Small states like mine would likely have no representation in this new union, yet would be forced to comply by their laws. The people of our state are much different than people in places like Mexico, and there is no way that there should be common laws governing us.

So the question is, would a union like this be enough for a state to secede from the United States so that it can govern itself, rather than being forced to comply with laws and regulations which might not even be applicable to that state?

Note: I know that this NAU is not definite, and it might not happen, but the question I asked should be answered as if we knew it was going to happen, so don't respond saying it won't, that is not the question.




  1. Many excellent posts to an excellent question. But I'd like to add a comment to a comment by eimittaa, as follows:

    The main reason why Canadians would not call themselves Americans is because the people in the United States pre-empted the use of the word "American" for themselves first. And Canadian pride causes them to balk at allowing themselves to lose what they perceive as their national identity in the shadow of their southern neighbor. Anyone who knows their history knows that Canadians repulsed their southern neighbor's efforts to annex Canada after the United States became independent from British rule. And their policy more or less is to agree to disagree, rather than accept dominance.

    But billy2 made a good point in that, when it comes right down to it, anyone living in the Americas has as much legitimate right to call themselves an American. The mere fact that our country included the word America AFTER the name "United States [of]" does not automatically exclude other countries from referring to themselves also as Americans, if they so desire.

    I also wonder why the founders of the United States felt a need at the time to CLARIFY where the United States is [in America]. Did they think it possible that the rest of the world would confuse our United States with, say, a "United States of" Asia, Europe or Africa or even Australia? I don't think so.

    Why didn't Brazillians, for example, call their country "Brazil of America," or Peruvians call their country "Peru of America," and so forth?

    But the ones orchestrating the NAU concept see that as only a prelude to the "New World Order" final stage of one world one government. So that all countries are absorbed into it simply as something like "The Federation of the Planet Earth," or something similar.

    What we must do, if we wish to retain our sovereign identities, is to not vote for those who are puppets of "the New World Order," like Obama or McCain.

    Is there any other option for a citizen of the United States who opposes the NAU than to vote instead for Ron Paul?  I think not. Anyone who votes for Obama or McCain is trying to further the NAU and New World Order agendas, whether they realize it or not.

  2. Yes it does justify it.

    However, I dont know who would have the balls to do it first.

  3. Thats a really good question..

  4. Hi, John!

    I would say Cookie summed it up most accurately. Right now people are being squeezed. And all it will take is one chaotic event to FORCE it upon the populations in quick time.

    Ordo ab chao = Order through Chaos. That Chaos is about due, and must take place in order to facilitate One World Governance with the UN at the helm where the final aspect of this Beast will be the Anti-Messiah sitting in the Third Temple in Israel claiming to be God. Keep your eyes on that region. When they begin to build it, you know we're getting close. The world dictator will sit in that Temple and rule for 3 and one-half years. It will then all be destroyed when the true Messiah, "Yahushua," returns on the Mount of Olives.

    To me, it's exciting; because it means we are closer to the end of secular humanistic, warring governments - rule by the Elite and their attorneys egged on by Satan himself.

    Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand:


  5. Yes. But how would we go about it? Warfare simply doesn't have the power to move people as it did when we threw off the Crown. Then, unlike now, war "hit where it hurt most": it chipped away at the security and pride that guarded a nation.

    The Revolutionary War proved how far people would go for Liberties; that death was less painful than despotism.

    The most powerful hand we can play, now, is to vote local, know your city council and mayor, at least ONCE in his/her term, meet with the representative and senator of your State's government, meet with the Sheriff - if only for 5 minutes each! - and LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!

    Get together in neighborhood groups and schedule meetings with your leaders AS A GROUP. I've been inspired at the impact this has on those in office, whether they were our choice or not.

    I'm in Dallas and have met at least twice with my current Councilman as well as several times each with the past 3. (Dallas is an amazing paradox, by the way. An admirable government facing more demons from the past than can be easily defeated.)


  6. No one has thought of it but here is another thought.

    History can sometimes repeat itself.

    If you remember this country was founded on a "DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE" from an unresponsive and tyrannical government (The King of England) was unresponsive to the needs of the citizens of England living in the 13 colonies so Thomas Jefforson and the other founding fathers of this country wrote a declaration of Independence and fought a revolution to form a new government and freedom for the citizens.

    Thomas Jefforson wrote that if a government becomes tyrannical and unresponsive to the wishes and needs of its citizens and no longer abides by the Constitution of these United States then we should rise up and get rid of that government and replace it with one that will follow the Constitution and the rules of law that were founded in 1776.

    which gives us the Bill of Rights and the right of "We The People" to make the givernment serve our needs and follow the constituition.

    It seems tha tif this present government wants to enslave us to a North American Union where we will no longer have our "God Given Inalienable Rights" taken away form us by bureaucrats in a North American union then we have the right moral right as espoused by the founding fathers to reject that government and form another one which will follow the constitution.

    So instead of talking about some stated seceeding from the United States we should be seriously talking about forming a new and responsive government that will listen to us and our needs,.

    Our present day politicians of both parties (republican or democrats) no longer serve our needs nor do they carry out our wishes.  

    so we should be concentrationg on forming a new government by any means necessary.  Revolution or ballot box.  But we need a giovernment that will follow constitutional principles and guidelines and serve our neeeds.

    Additional comment

    To the above answerer:

    No Canadian would call themselves American

    They call themselves Canadians

    Their Country is called The Republic of Canada.

    Also reach country calls themselves by their own names and yea all people in those countries will say that they are Americans because they live on the American continent but all those other peoples










    Costa Ricans

    etc etc

    Do Not call us Americans,  Americans

    They call us NorteAmericanos

    they call the United States of America

    La Republica de NorteAmerica.

    so they differentiate and leave us "gringos" "anglos) out of their American Continent.

    Also if you were older and had been educated at a time when American schools taught about patriotism and citizenship you will know that our country is officially called

    "The United States of America" because this country was the first country on either continent of North America or South America to be a free sovereign and independent country in 1776.  

    All the rest from Canada to Chile and Argentina

    were colonies of Spain France Great Britiain and Portugal and the Netherlands.

    That is why we call our country the United States of America becasue it started with the 13 former British colonies at that time to form this new country called United States Of America.

    Canada did not join us in 1776 because they were still a colony of Great Britiain and Quebec still belonged to France along with Haiti

    Cuba and all lands from Mexico on south etc etc.

  7. i agree with many answerers, but one thing no one touched upon was the fact that, to be technically correct, americans include not only those in the united states, but also those in all other countries in THE AMERICAS.

    i think the reason why the people in the united states believe that only they are americans is a bit egotistical. for people in canada have just as much right to call themselves americans as do those in the united states. as well as those in mexico, brazil, etc., etc.

    but, unlike all the other countries in america [north, south and central], the united states has a name not very conducive to naming a nationality.

    for someone from canada is called a canadian. someone from mexico a mexican. someone from brazil a brazillian. ETC.

    but would it sound right to call someone a "unitedstatian" or a "usan?"

    and THAT'S why it would not be logical to call a theoretically combined united states and canada, as cookie suggested: "Americada. or Canamerica."

    the only logical solution i think would be to simply call it "north america," while leaving mexico to band with central american countries.

    but then you would likely precipitate a secession by french-speaking quebec, which has already many times almost happened, rather than any state in the united states seceding.

  8. The NAU and the people controlling it would most likely not allow this to happen. When this Union is formed the next thing will be martial law.

  9. It would definately violate the constitution of the USA and Canada.  The EU in Europe has pretty much destroyed democracy in Europe.  Hopefully my country, the UK can escape the fate of the other nations in Europe by electing a Conservative government soon.

  10. The NAU would threaten military force on nations that are considered soverign right now.  It is essentially the start of an empire.  Considering I am Canadian I see the NAU as a huge risk to my soverignty and I can't imagine countries in latin america being able to resist a combination of Canada, America, and Mexico.  The ironic thing is that most Canadians and Americans that know about the North American Union are united against it.  I would bet it is the same with Mexico but who knows.

  11. It's typically held that the American Civil War proved that the federal government rejects the secession of states from the Union.

    Personally, I can never see the Americans merging so closely with us here in Canada, let alone Mexico.

    The NAU is a long way from fruition. There is resentment towards the U.S here in Canada and I can't see the majority of us willingly give our sovereignty over to a Union that would obviously be U.S-led.

    And the Americans are isolating themselves more and more with their neighbours. Mexico is an obvious problem. If you don't want them into your country enough to build a wall and devote so many resources to your Southern border, how do you go from that to open borders so quickly? And you're closing off the freedom of travel for us Canadians, now requiring a passport to get into your country from air, and soon water and land.

    I simply do not see the NAU as realistic in the current context, as well as in the foreseeable future.

    That being said, if the federal government pushed hard for the Union to take place and your State was among the minority speaking against it, it's really impossible to say. I can't see the U.S leaving behind some of its States just for a questionable economic and political endeavour, nor can I see it going into another Civil War over the matter.

    So because of that, I would have to say that IMO the States wouldn't go into the Union without the consent of all of its members, or perhaps it could go by a State to State membership similar to the EU, although that would require that the federal government relinquish control over the States, which is also hard to imagine.

    I really wouldn't worry about NAU.

    But I think that an American-Canadian merge would be interesting haha. I wouldn't really support it per se, but we'd be a badassed country haha.

  12. What I read is that Mexico is

    the only country that will benefit

    from this.

    I believe everything that is going

    on with our nation right now...

    the war, the gas, the unemployment,

    the foreclosures,

    is one big plot to to force-by-fear,

    the North American Union and the


    I can hear it now.....

    "American People....we will save you

    from a depression, we will save

    your home, we will end all

    financial hardships by joining forces

    with Canada and Mexico to

    have a better economy".....

    Poof!!     North American Union

    Poof!! Poof!!    Amero

    Although, it's already in the running [NAFTA].

    Yup...I see it coming.

    God help us!!

    And as far as an individual state[s]

    rebelling???  Look what was going

    on in England in 1997 with the Euro.

    and in 1999...

    Can you imagine one or two states seceding?

    The "North American Union" [Federal Reserve

    Bank] would make d**n sure that those

    states suffer the consequences.

  13. I would say yes and if the NAU does happen I can see a lot of different govs being set up in the country. this probably will not happen without some bloodshed but hey that's the way it always happens. Seems like Bush and friends are pushing us towards NAU just like they did in Europe. You libs who want the gov to take care of you just might get your wish. Price too high for me.

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