
Would the Pope visit an Obama Biden White House?

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Obama made it a point about Biden being a Catholic in order to garner support from that group. However, Biden is vehemently pro-abortion and other liberal causes. I wonder what that conversation would be like.




  1. The Pope would be open to visit the White House and Senator Barrack Obama.  Remember, the Catholic Church is for sinners, the righteous do not need Jesus Christ.  All are sinners.

    Senator Obama and Senator Biden would not want to listen to Pope Benedict XVI however.  Because this Pope will state the Truth without reservation to either of these men.

    Abortion is murder.  Infanticide is murder.  No exceptions.  No excuses.

  2. i can't remember a pope ever visiting the white house, but then i could be wrong. If he (the pope) does, that would be by mutual consent, and i wouldn't read anything into it one way or another.  

  3. No he would not, but the Imams would come beating down the door for five prayers a day

  4. Isn'T Paul Grass

    A Jack  _____!

  5. What makes you think he would rather visit McCain who hasn't even been baptised?  Where is the evangelical outrage, lol!

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