
Would the UK benefit from a temporary authoritarian goverment?

by  |  earlier

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It's secret police could round up the undesirables and put them into work camps, and all of the left-wing lunatics could be taken to "re-education centres". It could hardly make it worse, could it?




  1. Left wing lunatics??? I suggest it is you a right winger ,that is showing the traditional lunacy always associated with the right.

    Wing nuts generally hate democracy and cyou are obviously one of them.

    Here is some facts about your friggin right wingers.

    Lovely little animals are they not ?

    Now why don't you and your lunatic right wing dictators go play in the traffic.  

  2. ya, just like Germany under Hitler and USSR under Stalin. LOL

    You should know that those people won't give up their power when they get it. Regardless of what you Parliament may say.

    I know that your version of Left is different from the U.S.'s version, but we all can have our opinions.  

  3. No,  History says so.

    Of course that doesn't stop regular citizens from getting rid of undesirables, Trust me, YOU can do it.  Legally even.

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