
Would the UK still be regarded as a powerful country by the world, if English were not the number 1 language?

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of the USA?




  1. Yes, just look at the UK's economy.

  2. Of course we have the Queen

  3. France is still regarded as a powerful country. Their lingo is French.

    Check the facts and you'll find your answer to be a resounding "yes".

  4. The UK has not been a powerful country in the world since WW2 and  no one has regarded it as being a powerful country since Suez.

  5. Yes.

    The sun has set on the British Empire, and the UK is not a superpower like the USA, but it remains powerful.

    If one looks at economics, the UK has the fifth-largest economy (by gross domestic product, GDP) of any country on Earth. It accounts for nearly 17% of the entire economic machinery of the 27-state European Union.

    Militarily, the UK remains fairly powerful. Suez in '56 proved that the UK could not act directly against the will of the superpowers. However, the British military remains capable. In 1982, the UK went to war with a well-equipped regional power, Argentina, over the Falkland Islands. Despite some serious losses, the British military won, after sailing their way across 8,000 miles of ocean to fight a war on Argentina's doorstep in the southern winter. The Royal Navy is now building new full-sized aircraft carriers, which will allow the UK to project power more effectively than it has in decades.

    Then there is the British nuclear arsenal. The UK has 4 ballistic missile submarines, each carrying 16 Trident II missiles, with 8 warheads each. This means that each sub, in theory, could carry enough nuclear weapons to destroy 128 cities. It also retains some tactical nuclear bombs for use from aircraft. These weapons provide the UK a great deal of strength in the face of any threat from any country, even Russia.

    Finally, one cannot separate the UK from its language, and its imperial heritage. The fact remains that the UK represents a strong influence in places across the globe, thanks to the Commonwealth it established in the wake of its empire.

  6. Just ask the English if they can even hoist there own flag outside there houses, the answer is no as it offends the foreigners...... The signs in the hospitals have English about fourth, not at the top as it offends the foreigners....etc etc

    They are still strong but are losing there own country fast......

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