
Would the UK would improve under conservative leadership ?

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I am regular visitor to the uk and recently i was chatting with the locals when they told me that labour ruined the uk and that there are uncapped number of refugees flocking into the uk whom are financed with tax payers money

locals also complained about the yob culture that exists among the youth of britian and soaring crime rate

many news papers i have been reading stated that emigration levels climped to a record high

do you think all of this would improve under david camerons leadership ?




  1. No, they already tried that-- Tony Blair, the disaster man

  2. It can't get any worse. Cameron's going to win the next election anyway - that's why Brown didn't call one earlier.

  3. Definitely NO! Cameron is 100% for EU, the referendum fiasco was a farce, so all parties came out with clean hands, if the Tories felt so strongly about it, why don't they have it in their agenda?  The UK is now ruled by the Elite through the EU, that's why the EU was setup, it matured from the League of Nations and through Common Market to the EU, now their want to take control of the EU, our laws now come from Brussels, our PM is only a puppet to the dictates of the Elite, same as America.

  4. A new government usually make changes that are good to start with and then regardless of which persuasion they are they then go on to do what ever they like and its usually not good for the general puplic.  Whats the answer? I dont know I wish I did, we are just over populated over taxed over worked and under valued. If any politian would actually enter the real world and watch and listen we might have an improvement but unfortunately they never do

  5. My answer would have to be no, for the following reasons:

    1. 88% of elected members of parliament from the three main political parties are lawyers, therefore, when power changes from one political party to another the net result is the same;  88% of elected members of parliament from the three main political parties are lawyers.

    Lawyers are by definition parasites feeding on legislation created by fellow lawyers.

    2. MP's opted out of representing the constituents' wishes years ago by claiming a right to vote according to their conscience, while being employed to reflect the views of their employers, the electorate.

    3. All the three main leaders adopt the view that they and they alone know what's best for us, and regard any dissent as an irritating distraction.

    4. They embrace popular causes such as the nonsense of man-made global warming, to seize more power and raise taxes, and allow lunatic judges, such as Lord Chief Justice Phillips, to decide that the Human Rights Act allows killers the freedom to walk our streets.

    5. They have handed 80% (unlawfully) of our sovereignty to the communists and fascist of the EU,. and do not honour their electoral pledges.

    In short democracy in Britain has almost been eliminated and replaced with a police state.

    We have become a nation of sheep.

  6. I dont think the UK would necessarily be any better under conservative leadership.  Does anyone not remember the last time we were under tory with the interest rates so high that people lost their homes? The council tax I seem to remember was also a brain child of the Tories.  

    However, I think that some issues may be better under the tory regime, such as Immigration policies.

  7. No way. It'll get worse.

  8. TRUE conservatism-yes


  9. Yes.  The slide continues downwards and it looks like the brakes are failing.

  10. We'd hope so but Labour have been seeking to bind future governments' into their hamfisted and incompetent way of working simply by wasting every penny they can get their hands on and sinking cash into huge capital projects.  

    The books (as per usual) after any period of Labour in power will be a complete disaster - the party is on the verge of bankrupcy and there are no grounds that they will have put the country in any better state.  

    The first Conservative term would really be tied up repairing the damage to the state and simplifying and repealing the gargantuan pieces of legislation this lot have saddled the country with.

  11. no - worse especially for us working class

    remember the 80s and early 90s

    i know many brits of today praise ms thatcher but it was a complete disastor for us working class she split us up with spliiting the unions, hike in tax, and dont forget the miners strike, and the privitisation of 90% of the british companies, like british gas, water, and british airways

    i know the conservatives are called new conservatives under cameron but tory will always be a tory more for the rich less for the poor, i wouldnt be suprised if they privitise the NHS whatever is left of it

  12. No. They're all the same as each other imo.

  13. Yes!

  14. the UK wouldn't improve under a Conservative government.

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