
Would the abolition of religion help to bring about world peace?

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Would the abolition of religion help to bring about world peace?




  1. No.  Without religion there is no right or wrong.  It would makes things much worse.  

  2. No


    it will lead to everyone going astray, with nothing to guide them. no one will be the same. i dont see any world peace there.

  4. No since religion helps us stay within  boundaries and teaches us about good morals etc...

  5. Religion is not holding back world peace.  World peace is being held back by misinterpretations and corruptions of the holy books, false doctrines introduced by men not supported by the holy books, and an unwillingness by billions of humans to not commit themselves to truly and deeply follow the word of God.  

  6. If you oppose religion i guess your pro science and anti spiritualism? WEll get this mankind needed unity to take steps forward in science and development period, unity was provide by social structures, systesm of hierarchy, leadership, race and the biggest thing was RELIGION.

    If a religion that developed did not provide unity and the promotion of development, it usually collapsed or was erased intelectually or by force.

    Most people do not realize today that most of modern technolodgy in Math, science, archtecture etc was deriven from thousands of years of developed sciences from the Muslim empire which led the world in most of these categories from about 700 AD till its collapse in 1920s. And obviously today Christianity holds the banner.

    We dont need to abolish unity(religion) instead unite and quit swimming in ignorance of entertainment and pop culture. INstead the more knowledge one gains the more succesful

  7. No, Religion is like a law of a country... without it there would be no limits, no right or wrong answer, no norms and values etc.

    Without religion in my life, i know i wouldn't be a good person at all... it's because of religion that i realise and understand things in life, i have all the answers i need and can base my actions on something that i know is the truth and the right thing to do. Without religion, i think people would be chaotic...I mean look at pre-Islamic Arabia, the time of jahilyah before Islam was revealed. And i'm sure other religions would be similar.

  8. no

    because Islam,my religion,is a complete way of life,it defines everything in it and tell me how to react and say in every aspect of life.Islam is not just once a week thing,u r practicing 24/7.

    so if there's no religion,then everyone will follow his own desires and what he wants,and the world will be more chaotic...

    i know u will tell me that even though,there are ppl who don't respect their religion ,or act upon it,but also there are many who does.,...who may want to follow their desires but there is sth more important that stops them,which is God fearing and also God loving..

  9. NO.

  10. If everyone could accept that there is no god or devil or heaven or h**l and try to wrap their minds around science and nature, joining in one cause - humanity!  Imagine what we could accomplish!

  11. No.  Although religion is the source of much conflict in the world, abolition of religion would be tantamount to oppression.  People dislike being oppressed and more conflict would arise.

    Moreover, if one were to actually succeed in removing all religions from the world and somehow remove the largely intrinsic desire in most people to join a faith, people would again revert to such time-old standbys as regional difference, race, ethnicity, gender, social class, etc. as a means for conflict.

  12. The problems we face in the world today aren't due to religion, they all due to power and money.  

  13. It is just like asking, if peace is more important than life in hereafter.

    Why do you think the Muslims are up at arms with the people of other religions.

    I think it is the other way round. The whole propaganda is ONLY because, at the moment the fight is not really between Islam and other religions, BUT !!!!! between religion and Atheism.

    In actual, Christianity has lost its fight to Athiesm and Athiesm has crushed Christianity badly. Now Athiesm is finding itself facing a far more tougher opponent in the form of Islam. And that is why, Athiesm is associated with all the baseless propagandas of portraying and framing Islam (and consequentially religion) as the bad guy.

    Let us see, who wins. We are not going to give up so easily. Our fight is not for our survival, but for the glory of God in whom we have faith and trust.

  14. Those who are inclined to mayhem will always find another excuse to fight over.

    So no, abolishing religion will not bring world peace.

  15. From the point of what others would call a "religious" Christian person:

    I don't believe there will ever be world peace, until the earth is destroyed

    But I have to say that every human has the potential to disrupt peace, not just religious fanatics

    Take for example, irreligious China and it's human right problems (ignoring the Falun Gong's or the Dalai Lama's problems with China), whether exaggerated or not by Western media, these issues are still problems threatening peace

    Or the extremely secular culture of Hollywood--

    Surely you can't call that peace when family's fall apart (take Lohan and her dad) (and famiy's are the building block of world peace)

    Or when some artists and actors have criminal records (one example: Snoop Dogg)

    Yes, what we call religion does sometimes add to violence and political turmoil, but certainly the abolition of religion will not bring world peace.

    side note: I wasn't quite sure if you asked hoping for a serious answer, or if you were asking simply to spur all the "religious" out there to answer with a resounding no! :D

  16. ahm leme think bout that ...

    erm ..


  17. I've thought about this a lot in my life.  I don't think it would.  People are always going to fight and be at odds over something, irregardless of religion.  I guess that is just our nature as humans.  We are all imperfect.

  18. No because like sista Ninja and ducky...AKA "i'm frozen said" religion teaches us morals and values...without it we would be lost...well i wud be.

    Ramadan Mubarak!! =)

  19. well it would greatly reduce conflict, but we would still find other differences to hate one another...

  20. Ramdan Ramdan Ramdan el sana di, ( im singing)

    Ramdan Mubarak Muslims!!

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