
Would the candidacy of Obama been possible with out George W Bush?

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Had Bush been a successful president, bungled nothing, made no dumb decisions, stood up to the big oil companies and speculators as past presidents have stood up to other industries and generally had that kinder genital presidency he talked about when he first took office - would Obama still have gotten as far as he has?




  1. prolly not. A woman and a black guy ? c'mon. Historically only if the voters are desperate. Which they are now.

  2. No No + No !

  3. at least democrates have values and like to believe in something better than what we have right now with dip sh*t George Bush. You're all anti abortion STFU! its not your body and believe it or not you have NO RIGHT to tell a woman what to do with her unborn child, unless you're willing to pay for the baby then just shut your friggen traps.

  4. Yes, the Democrats like to 'fall in love' with losers.

  5. No. Obama is a reaction to Bush just as Carter was a reaction to Nixon. People long for a fairy story to make things better!

  6. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can fool all of the libs all of the time.

  7. No.

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