
Would the conservative right be okay with abortion if. . .?

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modern science could tell the fetus would grow up to be g*y?

If not then why do they impede g*y people’s efforts to enjoy a normal life, i.e. marriage? BTW, who made the conservative right the marriage police?




  1. g**s have all the legal rights of marriage, it just isn't called marriage. Why do g**s need the religious term to make themselves whole? Esp, when they are in violation of most (if not all) religions?  

  2. No, most wouldn't because all human life is precious.  Homosexuals can do as they please and live as they please but it is just silly to allow them to get married.  For what purpose?  It makes no sense, move in together and have at it, if you want..

  3. It depends on their conservative degree. Some social conservatives want to reserve the right of marriage to be specifically between a man and a woman.

    Myself, I'm a social moderate and don't really care who gets married.  A real conservative would say that the federal government doesn't belong in that issue anyway and it should be left up to the states to decide.

    Most conservatives are against the way that judges are legislating from the bench and striking down laws that were voted for by the people.

    I know that if it is against the constitution, that is their job, but that's where they're coming from.  It's good to understand that.

    On the abortion comment.  You are kind of implying that being g*y is strictly biological.  I'm pretty sure that most people agree it is a combination of nature and nurture that make someone homosexual.

  4. Are you not bright enough to come up with more than one question?  Please share with us how many more times we will have to endure your lack of creativity.

  5. I thought Iran was the home of nutty fundamentalists, but it looks like there are 2 homes!

    Here in England we have civil partnerships, where a couple can acquire all the benefits of marriage for each other. We are generally a fairly tolerant bunch of people, and live life on a live and let live basis.

    What I fail to understand is why these nutters think abortion is murder, but are ok about someone who works in a clinic can have their life threatened or worse. Have these people ever thought about thinking about life, and not trying to live it on a 2000 year old basis?

  6. ABSOLUTELY!! If the Fundies, like Rev Phelps, could find a way, he would. If "God" told them to start slaughtering the g**s, from fetus to adult, they'd consider it an honor.  

  7. No. I am against abortion no matter what the baby is and I don't think it is bad if a person is g*y. I may not be for g*y marriage , but i am not against g*y people and I am for civil unions. I don't think babies should be killed at all. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman.

    Not all Christians believe Homosexuality is a disease..I don't . I have no problem with people being g*y. They can live their life how they want to and I will live my life how I want to. However marriage is between a man and a woman.

  8. Yes, because they consider homosexuality a disease and deem the baby dead.

  9. I think they would still want the child to be born, but they would start him watching John Wayne movies immediately at birth.

  10. Wow those are strong words!! Right on.

  11. Religion

    They think it's their duty to convert the heathens.

  12. In general the Conservatives,are homophobes.One sector, most likely the n**i like one, would probably approve of abortion if they knew that the baby would grow up to be g*y. Others, most likely the more religious ones would oppose abortion under any circumstances. Any way you look at it, they are inhuman, and need to be fought by a united front of g**s, Pro Choice, Anti Racist persons, and I am proud to be part of that coalition.

  13. Did you know that most babies aborted are black?  You wanna kill the black babies?

    Why are you racist?

    If you wanna stereotype, go all the way.

  14. Your problem is, you're trying to make the issue out as if it's OK with us or up to us.  The real question is,  will it be OK with God (Christ Jesus)?

    "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed:"  Genesis 9:6

    A person is no more born g*y, no more than a person is born to be a hijacker a thief, or a cop killer.  It always has been and will "always" will be about choice.

    "Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret,"  Psalms 139:12-15

    "Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read:"  Isaiah 34:16

    "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."  2 Timothy 3:16-17

    From the one and only King James Bible (AV1611)

    Without the blood of Jesus, there is no remission for sin.

  15. No  I would not be ok with that.

    Who said we are the marriage police, we only tell the truth.  Marriage is between a man and a woman.

    Are we not as entitled as anyone to voice our opinions.  

  16. No we would not be OK with abortion even if it were proven that the fetus would grow up g*y, homosexuality in most cases is an individual choice.

    You are contradicting yourself since being g*y is NOT normal the g**s are enjoying an abnormal life.

    The bible made us the marriage police, read Leviticus where you will see that if a man lay with another man as he does a woman that he should be put to death and his blood is on his own hands.

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