
Would the earth be better off without Humans on it?

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Would the earth be better off without Humans on it?




  1. no not at all

    earth for humans ... not humans for earth

    nothing important then humans

  2. first what is the meaning for 'better'-define...then we can think wether it will b without humans or not. if humans are not there probably other living animals etc..may think it is better and certainly not men -b cz they are not there.on the contrary we with our good behavior can make our earth better

  3. Only humans would ask such a question. The earth itself without us doesn't mind what happens one way or the other. So if you think that's an important question to answer the earth will not be better off without us because we have to be here just to answer that question.  

  4. It would definitely be a lot cleaner!

  5. I think so.

  6. The Earth had been here for about six billion years, we modern humans for a mere 200,000 years. When we and if we go, the Earth will still go on, at least until our Sun goes Nova.

    We do great harm to the planet, but it won't hurt the planet, only our chances to live on it. We only hurt ourselves.with pollution, the Earth can shrug it off.

    If we humans, disappear, some other creature, will take over, until it runs through his time on Earth.

    Whether the Earth would be better off without us, who knows?

  7. lol....the earth? doesn't have an emotion and will be here long after humans are long gone, it may be a barren wasteland, but it will exist for a long time.  That table in the kitchen.... i think it's looking at me.... it'll better offer with me i think.

  8. Yes. Earth would be able to flourish into the jungle it should be. Whatever we do to the Earth it will survive. I cant say the same for life on Earth but the planet will survive. By survive I mean it will still be here.

  9. What a 'duh' question.   Let me ask the monkeys!

    joshing, just trying to be funny.


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