
Would the extinction of man be a bad thing?

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Would the extinction of man be a bad thing?




  1. there's no way to know now.when we get there, we'll find out.

  2. eventually, man will indeed be extinct as a more highly evolved creature shows up.

  3. From my view point yes, afterall I am human, from the view point of the Universe, probably dowsn't matter one way or the other.  Besides extinction for any species is always a possiblity.  Good bad what does it matter.

  4. 'Bad' is a human concept, so I guess that in terms of human survival, the extinction of man would be a 'bad' or 'not desirable'   thing.  I'm not sure I know what you mean, sorry.

  5. And just who do you think would be the first volunteer to be extinct? I don't know about you, but I'd kinda like to stick around for a while yet. Got things to do...people to annoy. <*)))><

  6. Yes. It would be bad.

  7. It would be bad for anthropology- nothing to study!

  8. 'Bad' is a subjective term, as is 'good'. Objective terms are 'justified'

    and 'unjustified'. The eradication of the modern human species would

    eliminate much more injustice than justice, and would thus produce

    immediate justice, because the average human has more wrongful

    intent than rightful intent. However, eradicating the species would

    also destroy the future potential of the species. It is rare that such an

    intelligent species evolves on a planet. If the species can be changed

    to be more rightful than wrongful, than it's eradication will no longer

    be justified.

    By the way, I second Rss's proposal to replace humans with evolved

    raccoons. Considering that humans evolved from savage chimp-like

    creatures, a raccoon-derived intelligent species would most likely have

    better character than humans.

  9. I would rather see man "evolve" to the next level and leave our current forms behind like the cro magnon.

    Man will go extinct one day either by natural process, act of god or by our own hands.

    it is inevitable, so enjoy th ride for as long as you can.

  10. Of course it would be bad.  Only humans can self loath to the point that some don't even want to exist.

  11. In my view it may not be a bad thing considering the way we treat the rest of the world.  The idea that this world was made for us and everything within it for our use has really given mankind the license to destroy the environment in which we live.  No species that has ever inhabited the earth has had the ability to destroy it, either slowly over time to environmental degredation, or quickly through nuclear war.  While I am an idealist and hope that mankind will mend it's ways, I have doubts also and maybe human extinction is inevitable and good.

  12. no, we will die sooner or later. So, extinction doesnt mean much to us

  13. no, and man is bringing about there own extinction if they keep up living and consuming the way they are doing.

  14. Yes, I think it would. I like to think of my family going on and on into the future.

  15. Not only is "bad" a human concept, but it's relative.  Bad compared to what and in what context?  It would be unfortunate for all domestic animals and plants that depend on us, not too mention all human parasites.  Depending on the method of our extinction there could be a lot of residual waste and pollution from our corpses.  

    But in the  super broad scheme of things, I don't think it really matters.  We will be extinct eventually, it's inevitable.  Nothing in our universe lasts forever, everything is destroyed, and new life is always being created.  Watch The Fountain . . . good movie about man's fear of death.

  16. Bad in terms of what? To me? Yes, obviously. To you? I would think so. To nature? Probably not.

  17. No, everything has to come to an end. Everyone will die one day, sooner or later, so why worry so much about it.

    Best is that we don't have to worry about the next generation, who will take care of our children, grand children if we die. Whether they will have sufficient money, clothing, food, oil, mecidine, sand, granite, whether the ozone is affected........

    because there are no more human beings around.

  18. Bad for us, Good for the environment. I don't think God would let that happens

  19. Nobody will be there to notice it... But I think the rain forest and furry animals will be much happier.

  20. No 'cause that would mean Armageddon implying that man has moved on to bigger and better things.

  21. since man has to go extinct, i would like racoons and chimpanzees to replace us as the dominant species on our planet.

    Racoons have thumbs, given some advancement to the braincase, language centers and frontal lobes. They could be the next US.

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