
Would the feminists be pleased with an androgynous society in which men and women were virtually?

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indistiguishable from one another ?




  1. I think some would, but I also think many recognize not only the obvious benefits of physical differences, but those of thought process as well as general strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Snakeve nailed it!

    we want to be equal, not necessarily the exact same as men. i wouldn't give up my femininity for anything.

  3. That would be biologically impossible.  In all species, even the most similar looking, there are distint characteristics that distinguish male from female.

  4. No, Feminism is about valuing the feminine, including defining it and equalizing it, not eradicating it.

  5. Someone has to have balls.

  6. Not a feminist, but I wouldn't mind.

  7. I think they would be very very pleased with it. Must be why they get raves about supporting women sports, such as rugby and shun gymnastics.

  8. Men and women will still be biologically different, obviously. But I would personally like to see a world in which, barring physical or mental inability and legal boundaries, men and women can do whatever they please without worrying about fitting gender molds. Most feminists appear to enjoy their femininity, but I've never had much of it in the first place, so I don't see it as a loss.

  9. Yes because then it would remove all the sterotypes. No because I'd rather that people could get it into their thick skulls that just because someone looks different doesn't mean they should be treated differently.

    Plato believed there wern't only two genders but about 5 or 6...

  10. Actually feminists are quite comfortable in a society where genders are distinct. We're much more concerned about how people treat each other.

  11. Some definitely would. I would find no joy in such a vapid and dull place though. We would all be mere grey automatons working for corporations. I adore gender differences (within reason)

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