
Would the fixture of a permanent speed camera on a highway anger you as a morotist?

by Guest64489  |  earlier

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Watching the news the other day, I saw a report on a permanent speed camera being mounted on the Pacific Highway, south of Brisbane. The news report stressed the fact that motorists were angered with this.

Personally I think that if you are following the rules, you should have nothing to be angry about. Keep in mind too that there are road signs well in advance stating there is a "speed camera ahead." Sure, it's a government revenue raiser, but it's also helping keep the roads a safer place, and I would think that road safety is something we should all be thankful for?

What do you think - is it understandable to be outraged at the construction of a speed camera?




  1. I think having permanent cameras is going to another extreme.  It would definitely annoy me; I never speed but still not comfortable with it.  Speeding tickets were never intended to be  a revenue center...  It so sucks to see the extreme measures of raising money thru speeding tickets.  It sucked when we started getting cameras at all the major intersections :(  No tickets yet :)  - keeping my fingers crossed...

  2. No.....If this is what it takes to stop speeding than so be it, something needs to be done, there is way too many people that have no regard for the laws.

  3. I agree with you, the only people who really dislike cameras are those who are likely to be caught. If you observe the speed limit it doesn't matter one way or another if they are there.  However, it's not necessarily the speed which causes the problems but people ignoring the 2 second gap rule is far more likely to result in an accident. Traveling at 100 mph with a suitable gap is far less dangerous than driving at 30 mph a car's length from the vehicle in front. Far too many drivers here in the UK miss-read the road, the weather conditions, their car's ability and most importantly their driving skills.  We have a saying in our neck of the woods-  "low skill = high kill".

  4. .

    not if they're clearly marked


  5. Absolutely not. In NYC, where I work, there are far to few Highway Patrol officers to effectively patrol all of the highways in the City. If NYC were to come up with a permanently installed "speed camera" it would greatly assist not only the Police Department, but the overall motoring public itself.

    With the advent of such movies as Fast & the Furious, a great # of young men and women have decided that the NYC highways are the perfect places to conduct their illegal drag races.

    The principle would be the same as the "red light" cameras that NYC already has installed. The registered owner would receive a summons in the mail for the infraction. The only difference is that they wouldn't accrue any points against their driver's license.

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