
Would the humans be replace just as it happend to Neanderthals or there's something we can do to prevent it.

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Would the humans be replace just as it happend to Neanderthals or there's something we can do to prevent it.




  1. yes

  2. huh? this question itself is wrong. should be deleted.

  3. Evolution is a constantly moving process and one BIG thing Darwin said was that we NEVER see the missing links between the two species becuase they either look so much like one that they get grouped over there or they look so much like the other that they get grouped over here.

    Will we be "replaced" by a more adaptive race of homo sapian? It's possible. Even within the last 100 years you can see human adaptation. There's less sexual dymorphism, people are taller, we're living longer, and blondes are going extinct. Think about this... Homo sapian sapian (HSS - modern humans) Have only existed for about 1/8th the time that Austrailiopithicus Robustus (AR) existed on earth and AR was considered VERY specialized, while HSS is considered to be very adaptive. So we may adapt to our surroundings better or we may evolve into a better stronger human race... but only millions of years time will tell.

  4. If the humans were to be replaced by another species, that species is supposed to be more intelligent than us humans. But there aren't any other intelligent species on earth. So don't worry, cause humans will remain the dominant species on earth

  5. You make it sound as if one day there were Neanderthals and the next day there were what you consider modern humans. Evolution doesn't work that way. It takes millions to billions of years. It's not a replacement, but an incredibly gradual transformation. So, yes, we will be "replaced" with something eventually that would provide enough of a difference to classify us separately, but not anytime soon. Can we prevent a way, yes. We are actively working towards our own extinction, and if we completely kill off the human race, then we will prevent its "replacement." Assuming we do survive that long, then no...we can't prevent it.

  6. Adapt to change.

  7. yes and no

  8. No, humans won't be replaced by evolution, because the evolution of one species into another is a ridiculous, false theory.

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