
Would the liberals take Sarah Palin to the town square and STONE HER....?

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TO DEATH if they could?




  1. Yes and her daughter, husband, and disabled child

    They would probably stand with Phelps at Tracks funeral

    So much genius here

    Conservatives have made her their VP candidate why would they stone her

  2. No, that is a tactic enjoyed and employed by religious fundamentalists, like Palin herself.

  3. No. That's what the Religious Right and the Christian Coalition would do, especially if she was a Democrat.  

  4. Did you see what they did to Michele Malkin, I would not put it past the liberals.  

  5. Republicans are the ones who are FOR the Death Penalty not liberals. So maybe you should rephrase this question and replace "Liberals" with "Conservatives"

    Nice try though.  

  6. They believe in abortion but not the death penalty.

  7. No.

    Very sick of you to suggest such a thing.

  8. there are many who would like to but first boil her in oil.

    the new york times has already stoned her figureativily.

  9. No.  We aren't animals like the conservatives.  Aren't they the ones who believe in the death penalty?  Of course, being inept isn't enough of a reason for anyone to stone a person, so Sarah's safe.  

  10. they are trying to as we speak.  You will see Hurricane Sarah rise above it.  She will be a force to be reckoned with, liberals know it and fear it.

  11. It's not the liberals who advocate the death penalty. Try again.

  12. conservatives would burn her at the stake as a witch

  13. no.  stop being so obsessed with liberals.  shouldn't you be more concerned with your own views and make an attempt to actually ask an intelligent question?

  14. For what?

    That's dumb.

  15. Oh, oh!  Pick me!  Pick me!

    Oh, wait, I thought you said would I get stoned with Sarah Palin.  Sorry, my bad.  

    I'll bet she grows some killer weed, though.

  16. Plenty of liberals don't believe in religion and the ones that do are not fundamentalists who beleive in stoning.

    Religious conservative fundamentalists are the ones who stone people.

  17. no they are content FOR THE MOMENT in defaming her character and slandering her entire family...

    the nice thing though is that once the FACTS are known, the far left and their media lackeys will be exposed ONCE and FOR ALL as the cowards and REAL threat to the Republic that they ACTUALLY ARE...

    the REASON that these people are in such a lather by the way is:

    Sarah constitutes a THREAT to the status quo of an entrenched Democratic BIG GOVERNMENT - TAX and SPEND legacy that Barry and the rest of them have the AUDACITY to blame on the President...

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