
Would the majority of Americans agree to be locked in a steel box for their own security?

by  |  earlier

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It may be necessary if the terrorists strike again...




  1. I wouldn't, but I think a large percentage would...those who voted to re-elect Bush in 2004.

  2. The terrorist's are ready to fight valiantly,  the greatest thing that they can do (according to islamic law), is to die in battle for "ALLAH", they can't be treated as human, or negotiated with, CLEARLY A "THREAT" TO AMERICA, they only understand violence, it's how they ALL think. At some point the Americans will realize this, and blow the mid-east off the map, then everybody in the world (with the exception of the German's and French) will say "Why did'nt they do this sooner, the mid-east was a pain in the azz to the entire world population" !

  3. It depends, will Nicole Kidman be locked in the steel box with me ?

    If so, lock me up !!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Fight the NWO. Ron Paul 2008!!!

  5. Going to this extreme simply shows that you have run out of valid arguments.

    My bet is that if another attack were to take place, you would be among those screaming the loudest about the lack of adequate preventive measures.

  6. No.  What will be necessary is to eliminate all the illegal immigrants who are of questionable loyalty long before we get to that point.

  7. You must not be an American, otherwise you'd know that we don't take that kind of c**p lightly.

  8. N O!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Only if it will protect me from stupid questions like this one.

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