
Would the media try to Overlooked McCain when he chooses his running mate?

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It want surprise me and they hope Obama would still be in the spot light. I hope he chooses The governor of Alaska or Mitt Romney for VP




  1. Dude, McCain has fanboys in the press corps.  Don't be coy.  As for his VP, he hates Romney.  Given Alaska's current problem with Ted Stevens and other state politicians having ethics issues, I think he'll let Alaska alone.  

  2. That women in Alaska is know to use her position to her people & McCain doesn't need that coming up. Mitt is an airhead who is getting credit for a story that is not true & that is going to come up (saving the Olympics). Mitt is just there because he was the son of a successful man. He has all this sons who have not joined the military after his comment that they haven't cause they were doing their service helping him get elected. Biden's 39 year old son leaves for Iraq Oct. 3rd. Stop blaming the media. Look at all the coverage he got with the Britney ads & when Obama was away for only 7 days on vacation.  

  3. I would hope so, Mittens is a boat anchor that will sink McCain's lobbyist run campaign. The Republicans are nothing but raciest nut-jobs they will never except Mittens. The ones that aren't raciest nut-jobs buy into the phony Conservatives on the TV and radio. Those people are about the party not what the party stands for. They have no morals and just make the rest of you look like crazy backwater hill folk.  

  4. Of course not.  Choosing his VP will be NEWS.

    Now you're hating in ADVANCE?  Sounds like desperation to me.

  5. Republicans will want to look the other way if McCain picks Romney, so it's very possible the media will go lite on the story.

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