
Would the person be able to file a complaint and get full compensation if a cop does this?

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Example 1) In the movie "Judge Dredd", Judge Dredd blows up a guy's car just over some unpaid parking tickets.

Example 2) In the movie "Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift", the cop at the beginning of the movie ordered to have that kid's car crushed at a junkyard after causing some destruction of property.

Example 3) In the movie "Walking Tall", The Rock arrests this guy with the big red truck, and The Rock and Johnny Knoxville and tear up his big, shiny new Red Truck to see if any drugs were stashed away in there.

For you know, these guys could've went through a lot of hard work and trouble to make that kind of money and could've paid it off. I would hate to think their destroyed car at the hands of a cop would NOT be compensated.

What there be compensation?

What about filing a complaint to someone, anyone?




  1. hey buddy, those were movies, not real life.  you gotta get outside, get out of the basement and breath some fresh air!

    now IF those were real circumstances, there is always someone higher to report crimes to.  

  2. Those are all movies.  I have only seen one of them (Judge Dredd) and yes it would be a bad idea for a Law Officer to blow up someone's car over a parking violation.  But that was Hollywood not reality.

  3. No because all situations are fictional.  No police officer has the authority to order the destruction of someones property.  Only a judge could do that and only after a court hearing.  Try living in actuality not fantasy.


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