
Would the press and lefties like Bristol Palin more if...?

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A. She gets an abortion

B. She remains an unwed mother, or

C. She applies for all the welfare services possible and becomes dependent on the State.

I don't know...maybe some other answer is right. Normally, the left is wild about teens that are in this predicament. Something is different with this teen.




  1. The difference is her mother is a Republican.  Didn't you realize that Republican women are not supposed to work, they should stay home & take care of their families like a good little wifey.  The libs are so hypocritical- if Sarah was a Lib they would love her to death!

  2. Who cares about Bristol?  It's her mother and her policies we don't like.

  3. Neither the media nor the "lefties" are making any judgments on Bristol Palin.  They have, however, used the information to illuminate the extreme views of Sarah Palin.  Judging people is really a "righty" thing.

    Smart A$$, you do realize that this statement:  "The pro-choice community can't stand it when a girl makes the choice to keep her child."  is completely contradictory.  Pro-choice folks support whatever her choice is, that is what makes them pro-choice.  We don't think we should be involved or need to know anything about her personal decision.

  4. I am apalled at all of the people who think that because this girl is pregnant her mother is somehow a hypocrite and that she needs to rethink her policies.  The fact of the matter is that this can happen to anyone, no matter how knowledgeable they are about unprotected s*x.  I can't imagine that anyone on this site can honestly say that they have never dodged a bullet.  We have all done things our mothers wouldn't approve of, but that can't be blamed on our mothers.  Sarah Palin can proudly still say that she is pro-life and for education on abstinence.  This has nothing to do with her politics.  Nobody seems to have any issues with Barack Obama's admitted former drug problem.  Why is this so troublesome to the liberals?

  5. Palin's sole purpose in the campaign is to motivate millions of people to vote on a single issue.  This happened four years ago with the g*y-Marriage debate.

    (By the way, John McCain opposed a ban on g*y-Marriage)

    I would prefer that Palin not be included in this race at all. Even her own mother-in-law is uncertain about which party will receive her vote.

  6. Why the right feels the need to shift the focus on to Bristol Palin is beyond me...

    most of us wouldn't have a problem with the situation if her mother, Sarah, wasn't against teaching about birth control in s*x ed class. that's the issue here.  Palin supports abstinence-only s*x-ed, and her 17 year old daughter is now pregnant.  What does that say about abstinence only s*x ed?

  7. It's a culture war thing and if she got an abortion they would be ecstatic.  

  8. we don't dislike her...we could care less about her personal life:

    we're attacking the fact that Sarah Palin is for "abstinence only" s*x education... and that parents should handle this private subject with their children...

    well... she failed at that, at her own policy... what else is she not going to come through on?

  9. The "LEFT"? These people are the cowards of this country. Every country has them. WE as Americans must put up with such trash as it is their right to be weak and cowardly. If you notice, they don't put their names on any thing of value. The real shame is the blood that it has cost to preserve the right to a useless existence and endeavor.

  10. Shes broken Gods Laws, so she'll have him to answer to. Its not our business. But it does show that Palin hasnt spent enough time with her family. And Palin obviously doesnt want to spend time with her newborn baby either.  

  11. D. If her mother was not such a hypocrite

  12. The only way would be if she changed her name to Jamie Lynn Spears.

  13. The pro-choice community can't stand it when a girl makes the choice to keep her child.  

  14. D. stop being a ho.

    Ha! Just kidding. i couldn't help myself.  

  15. Okay,first of all.I'm glad that she kept the baby because she obviously has the support and resources to care for it. It would be sad if she got an abortion,and I'm pro-choice. So why don't you stop mischaracterizing my side just because you hate pro-choicers. Just because advocate abortion rights does not mean we advocate abortion. We just feel that abortion is an important option to have especially in serious cases just like adoption

    About the whole unwed mother,I don't give a d**n whether she is married or not. It does not change the fact that she conceived the baby out of wedlock.Doesn't that go against your beliefs?

    About welfare,again I don't care. Besides,she's able to afford to raise the baby so I don't see the need for welfare. Just because liberals favor welfare does not mean that we want to hand out free cash to people who are able to fend for themselves. I mainly support welfare for the disabled.

    The only ones who are making Bristol Palin an issue is you by assuming that all liberals don't like her. We don't like the policies of her mother. It's also pathetic that her mother thought that the press wouldn't find out about her daughter's pregnancy. She's the one who's parading Bristol around just to rally up the Conservative base. That's shameful parenting

    I gave you an answer that is honest,and I bet that you and other Republicans will give me a thumbs down because of that. Or I'm going to get a thumbs down because I said I will get a thumbs down

  16. They hate her because they are scared of her mom.

  17. I don't care about any of the above.

    She's Clarence Thomas in a dress.

  18. If McCain really did know about this pregnancy before picking Sarah, it was so that Repugs can whine endlessly about how Democrats are beating up on a poor defenseless unwed teen mom.  

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