
Would the races be safer if DALE jr was ban?

by Guest63189  |  earlier

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  1. Every day I see another "stupidest question".......Congrats, today is your day!!

  2. Dale isn't that bi a danger, even though he's caused a few wrecks this year. The danger is his punkass dim witted street thug fans. BAN THEM!

  3. No, but the drivers would be safer if Kyle Busch was banned.

  4. nope jr fans would come to throw stuff at officials to lol(not just jr fans throw c**p) now kyle then theres nothing to throw at and half as many cations


    Go Dale Jr #88

  6. no but, they would certainly be safer, without Jimmy Johnson!!!

  7. Isn't Ban a deodorant?  What you saying here?  The races would be safer if JPM went back to open wheel.

  8. Yes, i think nascar would be more enjoyable if Dale jr wasn't in nascar.

  9. No,  we like Jr. "ok" it's (some of) his fans that need to grow up.


  10. I'm waiting for someone to peg Shurb when he's doing his stupid bow.  Quit wasting the beer if you're just throwing it at an empty track...make it count.

    And to your question...where's the proof that the people throwing the stuff are Jr fans?

  11. No that would be ridiculous to ban Dale Jr---my gosh Nascar revenue would go way down and there would probably be a ton of empty seats at the races.

    Kyle Busch has got it down when people throw things--he keeps his helmet on when he gets out of the car after he wins to avoid stuff hitting him.

  12. No!  They would be safer without drunk fans wasting good beer.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  13. There are only a handful of Jr fans who do this & they are idiots but I often wondered, if Gordon, Johnson or JPM fans did this when Jr wins, how would those Jr fans who threw cans at Gordon or Johnson feel

  14. Those people that throw cans will do it no matter what happens. Some people have no respect for themselves. It doesn't have anything to do with Junior,he doesn't condone it. I have been to Talladega a lot of times and it isn't only Junior fans that do that !

  15. OK so I have my views on Dale Jr. but this question is just ridiculous, this video is over two years old!! Find something more recent and then maybe we will talk!!

  16. First off, ban isn't a word.

    So now it's Dale Jr.'s fault that a few of his fans do what they do? It irritates me, but as I am a Jr. Nation member as well, I will stick up for them. They're just hardcore NASCAR fans rooting for their favorie  driver. I have no idea what they're doing as I can tell that is Phoenix and Kyle Busch is nowhere in sight, and I do wish they could stop. But maybe you should stop whining and get used to it. That's just hoe it's gonna be.

  17. No, but the people who are caught throwing things, should be removed from the track, that wouldn't be tolerated in a football stadium, basketball court of baseball field, it shouldn't be tolerated in nascar either.

  18. Why would it be? NASCAR has been in the lead as far as driver and fan safety and there's no one driver that can be faulted for hard or dirty driving. One incident does not make a driver "dirty".

    Every time a driver gets called to the trailer, it costs points and money.

    Drivers are human and get upset with each other sometimes, but you have to realize that these people have to race each other every week. The old say "what goes around comes around" really applies in this case. If there's a driver that is know as a dirty driver, the others will do their best to block, or do something to keep that driver from winning. Bristol and Daytona especially are places where if a driver gets out of line (Bristol) or gets hung up in the middle (Daytona) they can go to the back of the pack really fast.

    As far as Junior is concerned, I don't think anyone has any more respect among the drivers than him.

  19. it's not dale jr.'s fault some of his fans are stupid & throw stuff.

    he can NOT control them.

    so people really need to stop blaming HIM for things that his FANS do.

    and besides...every driver has some crazy fans...his might just be a little crazier at times.

  20. why ban jr.. just ban the fans that trow stuff

    This jr. fan wont throw any thing if a certain driver wins..and it just wasnt Jr. fans it was many fans that was throwing stuff

    and if you did ban Jr. fans they wouldn't have a race because there wont be a lot of fans there

  21. Would Yahoo Answers be if we banned trolls?

  22. I think you have Jr confused with JPM

  23. although i do not really like JR he is a good driver.  the people nascar needs to get rid of because of safety reasons would be montoya and kyle bush.  those two will do ANYTHING to get past you.

  24. Would the world be a better place if you removed yourself from the gene pool? More than likely,

  25. No they wouldn't.

  26. was ban what...?

  27. Nobody is saying it's just Junior fans but it only happens when there is an issue where by the Earnhardt name is done wrong. You didn't see the fans doing it when Gordon spun Kennseth in Chicago a few years back. Or when Smoke and Harvick hit each other at Bristol. It is kind of funny how Junior fans deny it so much but the beer throwing always seems to go hand in hand with something an Earnhardt has done. It is safe to say that it is Junior fans doing it

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