
Would the red cross allow you to donate all your blood (as in drain it) if you intend to kill yourself anyway?

by  |  earlier

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well, i'm type "A"+ (just thinking perhaps, of the lives that can be saved instead, if i were in the position..)

does anybody need a type "A"+ blood.. or is it just a garbage bloodtype, like my life is..




  1. No.

  2. look dude, you need help.

    And nobody is going to drain all your blood or support you killing yourself.

    Sorry, but youll have to find another way :)

  3. No. That is sick and very wrong. No CHARITY would do that. If when you do "go" you can say in your will that if they are healthy, you can donate your kidneys,heart, and other items inside of you.

  4. last fortnight i buried a friend who had just graduated her nursing degree. one week later she was diagonised with a brain tumor, 3months later she was dead. i cant believe you are asking this question, worring people you are going to top yourself, be gratefull you open your eyes and are able to see every morning, this lady went blind trying to hang on to life, through intensive chemo and radiation. selfish, selfish

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