
Would the scene/emo look work for me? *pics included*?

by  |  earlier

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I really like the look of scene/emo, but I'm really not emo at all. Sorry, the pics aren't that good, but you get the point.

Here are the pics:

Head shot-

Body shot-

P.S. I'm not allowed to dye my hair black, or put in multi-colored streaks in either. Also, if you could give me pics or websites that show different styles, that would be AWESOME!




  1. You'd sort of look like a poser if you tried to go scene.

  2. Sure. The whole point of the look to look destructed, tough, and brooding in dark clothing. As long as you have no problem with wearing that and seeming pissed off, you can pull the look off. The look, not the entire image.

    However, emo people are often pretentious and are often assumed to be so as well. Truly philosiphical and deep people usually don't adhere to such a look.

    You shouldn't try to look like something that doesn't reflect who you are inside. That's being a poser. Nobody likes posers.

    At the same time, you don't have to do things just because people expect it from you.

    Do things because they express how you feel and what you think, not because they might be fitting for other people.

  3. o yea poser if you say your not emo/scene the you will never be scene! get the picture?

  4. ew, youd look like some kind of



    yeah dont do it chic.

    youll look more of a freak than you already are.

  5. No. If you're not emo or scene, why would you try to look like it? That would just make you a poser.

    It doesn't matter if you really just love the hairstyles, getting your hair cut like that without actually BEING emo or scene would make you a poser.

    We're just saving you from the embarrassment of getting called a poser by people at school.

  6. sry, not really

  7. I don't really think that style is good for you.  You are a beautiful girl, and you seem like you would go better with the preppy look

  8. Yeah i think you shouldn't try to change or youd be a poser

    no offense

    oh and if you want a website just search scene hair on photobucket

  9. I don't think it would work on you, it might work on your face and everything, but you're not scene..soo why would you want to be something you're not?

    answer mine?;...


  10. why would you wanna look like something your not. be happy with who you are!

    NOTE: next times PLEASE don't include your picture thank you

  11. go to and look there, they have some cute styles that could be any color. Plus, Be yourself & don't worry about what other peeps think!!!!

  12. i really dont think u should. your too pretty to look scene/emo! but if u want to change ur look then i recomend getting layers in ur hair

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