
Would the success of WWE in the 80's been any different if?

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Vince did not sign Hogan and picked somebody else such as...

Nick Bockwinkle ?

Curt Hening at that time and made him the top star ?

Or perhaps just repackaged Bob Backlund ?

Your thoughts ?

Also I prefer a wrestling answer and no Johnny U comments.

Thank you..




  1. i dont think so curt henng would have been a great move for vince to choose

  2. Hogan had just "starred" in Rocky III, and his career was at it's absolute highest point.  Say what you want about the guy, but I don't think any of those other all-time greats you named could have carried the WWF on their backs, the way Hogan did back then.  Vince Jr's FIRST move after taking the reigns from Vince Sr was to have Backlund drop the belt to Iron Sheik and put the belt on Hogan.  He made the right choice, I think.

  3. yea, in my opinion although Hogan can hardly wrestle his character inspired millions of people and made the wwe what it is today

  4. It would have been different.

    Although Curt Hennig and Bob Backlund amongst other guys, even Ric Flair were talented and charismatic, Hulk Hogan brought something different to the table.

    Hogan oozed charisma and mic talent, something stood out about him and appealed to millions of people around the world, which ultimately put wrestling on the map and created what we now know as sports entertainment. Hulk Hogan, with his multiple movie roles and his strength, his look and charisma put wrestling on the map and we have Vince to thank for that.

    I'm honestly not a fan of Hogan, but I'll be the first to admit that Bob Backlund and Curt Hennig couldn't do what he did. They were talented in the ring, but Hogan was talented in another aspect, and that aspect to this day over-shadows wrestling talent, it's called charisma.

    The reason we see people like Cena and Batista as champions is because of their charisma and their fan interaction. Shelton Benjamin, a talented wrestler doesn't have that, so he stays out of the main event picture. That's just the way it is.

  5. although Hogan is that ages Cena i still think Hogan wood have been better to pick. but to answer ur question if he didnt well it wood most likley have affected it alot.

  6. would the wwe be WAY WAY WAY BETTER today if they weren't a kid show (hence their pg rating)...d**n i miss the attitude era...R.I.P. ATTITUDE ERA (1998-2002)...

  7. It's hard to say.  As long as another wrestler had a good character that caught on with the fans, the WWE still could have obtained the success they had in the 80s.  But that's doubtful considering the type of fan base Hogan created.  He really struck a chord with the Americana theme. The fact is that, love him or not, Hogan ended up being the character that really went over with people.  His character became so big that even people who didn't watch wrestling knew who Hulk Hogan was.

  8. I think WWF would've still had success...just not as big like it was with Hogan. But it still would've been big in it's own right. Because Vince had the vision to make it big besides the wrestling aspect of the industry.

    I think he would've used either Randy Savage or Roddy Piper as his wrestlers to make his company big. They were popular with Hogan there, and they would've had their popularity without him there.

    It would've been different, there would've more of a wrestling nitch in the WWF at that time, instead of everybody in the wrestling industry thinking WWF was just a huge circus. But with Savage and Piper as their top guys, the wrestling would've been taken more serious by the industry..and Vince could've still made the WWF popular because both guys had the showmanship necessary.

  9. yea good point

  10. I think it probably would have been different ask these things all the time like what if the slam around the world didn't occur or austin didn't stun mcmahon. Things would be alot different in my mind for the wwf , because hogan was the pentacle of the wwf he was the american man the main wrestler, and if Vince didn't sign him people wouldn't be be influenced by him as they are today and the company would change drastically because he had a pretty long title run too vince may not have even bought wcw you never know?

  11. Well I remember watching that "rise and fall of the AWA dvd" back in 2006. Hogan's popularity in AWA helped it make itself into a profit but until vince took over his father company and made alot of changes so hogan was the start of all of it.

    I think Bock Winkle would of gotten a stupid gimmick like bob baclund did if he went to the wwe after the AWA shut down.

    This is what I got off the dvd but I could be wrong.


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