
Would the use of hot water affect the electricity bill?

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I've just moved to Seattle, Washington and wonder if the use of hot water affect the electricity bill? My rent does not include utilities or light and we had to pay the landlord for the utilities and Seattle City Light for the electricity. My first month electricity bill was quite high that I wondered whether it was due to the use of hot water?

Thank you!




  1. if you have an electric water heater , yes.

  2. As you use the hot water, it leaves the water heater and is replaced with cold water. The cold water causes the water heater to turn on to heat the water to the temp it has been set for. The more hot water you use, the more the heater has to heat and the more electricity it uses. Water heaters can heat water between 115-150 degrees. If the water is really hot, you could turn down the temp some and save a little electricity.

    You should also make sure the thermostat is working properly. If you are running your ac and the thermostat isn't working properly it could continue to run longer than it needs to.

  3. hot or cold, your are NOT paying for water on your electric bill, you are paying for HEATING the water! Water heaters use electric heaters to make them heat the yes, if you use a lot of hot water, your water bill AND your electric bill are going to be high.  

  4. no they charge you by the amount of watts you use a month cold water does not take electricity to use and your water heater does effect your electricity bill depending on how much hot water you are using and how often it is refilling and reheating. hope this helps  

  5. only if the water heater is electric normally its gas

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