
Would the west care if they found out countries like Iran are developing missle defense systems?

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Not saying they are doing it, not saying they are capable of doing it....but lets say the US uncovers intel that Iran has or is building a defense system that is capable of intercepting any enemy plane or missle(even nuclear) coming for it.

Would countries like USA and Israel make a hissy fit, or would they not care since its just a defensive thing...

again this purely hypothetical




  1. he//,  if i knew the capability of the USA and russia and china ,  i'd build defense systems up the ying yang  

  2. I believe the US knows already.

  3. The United States would not care because those weapons are defensive in nature.  Also to point out, in current technology's terms the United States would be able to destroy those defence systems with todays modern aircraft.  The technology has not been developed to totally deter aircraft and missiles completly.  Iran has already bought Billions of dollars worth of Air defence systems from Russia.  Iraq possessed similiar technology, but it was no match against stealth aircraft.  

  4. America already knows that a missile defense system is likely to accomplish very little. First, they are designed to defeat missiles with no ability to take evasive action. Secondly the defense system can be very quickly overwhelmed by sending in a large number of  missiles that are carrying sand bags, followed by a missile that has a real payload.

    When the USA said it was going ahead with a defense shield the Russians almost immediately advised that they were upgrading their missiles to have evasion capabilities. But of course the USA would go on with the plan to protect against less sophisticated countries like North Korea.

    But already N Korea has its own evasion system, partially deployed, and enough missiles to overwhelm a defense shield.

    So, it may be that Iran may understand the futility of a missile defense shield.

  5. We know Iran is developing nuclear missiles. The "west" has failed and given up hope of stopping this.

  6. Would Iran care if the West was developing (or rather has developed) satellite weaponry capable of defeating missile defense systems?

    Meh. Who cares what Iran thinks...

  7. I do not believe I have ever heard of anyone crying about "defense" systems except the Russians.

    I suspect that "we" do not just sell them to keep control of the technology and the inventory!

    "We" have a new system in Alaska. I seem to recall it is 2 years old.

    The only types of weapons I have heard of the US complaining about are "offensive" weapons such as "long range" missiles with nuke warheads.

  8. Iran does have planes and missles that can intercept planes and missles. As does alomst every country for their defense.

    Surface to air missles are very good at intercepting planes , less so for missles.

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