
Would the world be a better place without religion?

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would it end anything? solve any problems? Or increase the amount of problems we already have?




  1. How would it be be better, we wouldnt be on earth without god so too answer your question.... no the world wouldnt be better because without religion and god we wouldnt have an earth

  2. It would be better. Not perfect, but better

  3. Absolutely.

    Religions have tortured and murdered millions of people over the centuries while claiming to hold the moral high ground

  4. Absolutely.

  5. 1 no 2 yes 3 a maybe 3b yes.

  6. Humanity is the problem, not religion.

  7. What would be the authority on what is right and what is wrong?

    Some people could come to power that would make the worst abusers of their power in history, seem like amateurs  by comparison.

  8. for few more period of years i don't think so my dear friend. But for sure there will be a time where there will be no wicked people but only rightous people who believe in Jesus will be there, even if you search person by person you will not find wicked or people who do not believe in Jesus Christ

  9. I would have to say yes religious wars have caused more deaths than any other conflict even the Jehovah's witness cause conflicts in family's but then what should we believe in somrthing must have started creation

  10. It would decrease our problems, allow scientific progress to move forward , and drastically cut down on warfare.

  11. Let me put it this way, the world would be a better place if Jesus was still alive, and there were no Christians. No Churches. No sermons. No bible. No people yelling "Repent! The end is near!".

    Just the guy wearing sandals going around turning water to wine and healing the sick.

  12. The world would not be without God the creator.  

  13. It couldn't be any worse. Sinners claim to be reborn.. Funny how most are in prison for murder or rape when they decide to become religious.

    I think most people need it as a crutch to make excuses for their behavior rather than just living life the right way.

    Without it, those people would have NO reason to do right.

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