
Would the world be a better place without the adult entertainment industry?

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I know that freedom is very important, but if a vast majority of people simply turned completely away from the s*x industry would the world be better off for it?




  1. Before we had p**n we had religious rulings that said:  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœIt is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things.” koran Surah 33:52.

    Koran 2:223 "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will;"

    Religous text is wrought with sexual rape, gender degradation and sexual obsession.  They didn't have p**n back then so those in power, used our natural sexual urges to control the masses and keep us all semi psychotic.  I would rather watch a film where consenting adults participate than think that God condones raping a captive woman,

  2. I believe p**n has made a positive contribution. Who has the heart to tell a quadriplegic veteran (who has virtually no chance of finding a wife) that he can't indulge in p**n? Did you ever stop to think that p**n allows us to become promiscuous by proxy, with absolutely no danger of catching a disease? Because of p**n I don't have to hire prostitutes.

    Numerous studies have shown that p**n bears no relation to rape. What it does is make people want to m********e. This is a crime? I reject the notion that it is even a sin.

    I tried out for a p**n audition myself, but wasn't accepted.

  3. Why dude? your wife/girlfriend won't let you watch (lol).  

    Look my Beau and I watch it together sometimes. Obviously there is an audience for it. So  chill Pop in a DVD

  4. It certainly would be a cleaner world.

  5. My considered opinion is that the problem isn't the existence of the adult entertainment industry; it's the nature of it.

    A huge amount of p**n really is very degrading to women - not just the pictures, but also the language used to describe women - b*tches, wh*res, sl*ts etc.

    And a great deal of the imagery is not about consensual s*x between adults who respect each other - instead much of it is about women who are tricked into sexual encounters, or women who are vulnerable and are used for s*x by men who can rescue them, or similar themes.

    Better and more acceptable p**n would depict s*x between equal partners who treat each other with respect.  And it would have better production values!  And if it were better, it would be more socially respectable, which would result in proper acting and musical scoring and plot and characterisation.  

    So rather than people turning away from the s*x industry, I think people should demand better p**n.

  6. No otherwise p**n would be huge on the black market with people getting arrested for viewing it and gangs exporting women to try and make more p**n

    And all those people that think all p**n is evil would just find something else to protest about

  7. No it wouldn't.

  8. two words-

    1. Catholic

    2. Priests

    When you completely try to supress a part of human nature you end up feeding it in the worst of ways-ways that may target those nearest you whom are unable to defend themselves.

    Point in fact-

    The overwhelming majority of serial rapist/killers grew up in strict sexually repressive enviornments, where their lack of knowledge often turned into horrible fantasies and fetishes.

    Myself you ask?  I no longer look at pornography, though I used to.  I see it now as a matter of self control and that it is degrading to women.  Women are not objects to be lusted after and collected.

    But the truth is, if you outlaw it or ban it, you mearly drive it into the shadows...and that is the last place you want something like that.

    Prohibition is a great example.  It actually spurned the growth of organized crime via the black market as people scrambled for alcohal.

    Do I find it fundamentally wrong?  Yes, on both pornography and drinking.  Can they be effectively outlawed or fade away?  No.

    But heavens no!  They'd have to actually make a useful product if s*x were taken out of the equation.  s*x sells-advertising 101.

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