
Would the world in general?

by Guest62784  |  earlier

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and the Black American community in particular, have been better off if

'Gangsta Rap' had never existed.




  1. It takes it all to keep us spinning ,  I guess....

  2. Probably. What good has come out of it? Some people like it, but the bad out weighs the good!

  3. nah man gangsta rap is great i love it

  4. definitely

  5. I think there are much more prominent causes of world suffering than "Gangsta Rap"

    Try things like drugs, war, hatred, etc...

  6. its a song genere and if it did not exist then what would happen to the world

  7. gangsta rap changed my life it can also change yours

    after all 50 cent rules

  8. Never heard of it.

  9. I don't get the question. And the answer is yes. The world would be a better place if rappers werent telling people in the ghetto to kill eachother.

  10. Probably not,as some other jingoistic jargon would have occured!

  11. who cares ...

  12. actually it wouldnt..95% of what teens listening to regardless of race is rap. gangsta rap as well. im a rapper and what i can say is that while i dont approve of them glorifying killing people and selling drugs, they also talk about making so much money they dont know what to do with it..

    this is on contrast of being in America and making easy money (everybody wants to make money by doing nothing) it kind of glorifies it and people like it, teens especially.

    rap is not all bad, although i must admit that gangsta rap has its negatives..

    its a way of life, not just for black people, who are the most copied race in the world e.g. they were the first people to wear their pants loose (sag) and millions of non-black kids are doing it now.. (im asian btw) so this perspective is not bias.

  13. um, gee lets see.......


  14. Maybe.

    but it would be better if people realized that it's mainly just for entertainment.

  15. Less crime, rapes and guns...

  16. almost certainly.

  17. I don't think so.  I think they would of been better off without it's negative image, but the music itself isn't that bad.  In all honesty, just like rythm and blues (I'm talking the type of R&B BB King plays, not the grosely generic R&B of today), ragtime, etc... Gangsta Rap is just anouther musical contribution given by the AA community.  It's how people perceive that music that makes it positive or negative.

  18. Yes; if i wanted to wallow in shite i'd be a pig !

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