
Would there be less divorce if government forced taxpayers to subsidize the children of men who who won't?

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pay their court-mandated child support and then gave these same men a 2 year prison sentence where they made license plates to earn the money they owed their children?




  1. I think a lot of men would stop telling their sons to go out and get as much as they can if they knew their son would be held accountable for their actions. Many young men who get a girl pregnant ditch them and end up paying $20 or $30 per month, its amazing how many think it is so unfair that they even have to pay that, but still don't learn anything and wind up making 5 or 6 more babys, and destroying the future of so many young girls lives. I'm sure these people do feel abortion is the solution, but not once do they really stop and consider what it would be like for them if the tables were turned. If a woman dropped her child in a garbge can she would go to prison, so why is it men can walk away with little to no consequences? However Elenor is right, there are so many losers out there that they would have to build at least ten new prisons per state. Besides, I have about as much faith in the law serving justice as I do in these dead beat dads standing up and taking some responsibility. ;-(

  2. No. We have gotten used to the easy way out. As well there will be women out there who abuse that. (Like my mom. She demanded from my dad an outragous amount of childsupport and would yell and scream and through up a fuss if he was one day late on the payment, because that was one more day she had to go without cigarrettes, and her chocolates, and everything else for herself that she spent the child support on)

  3. Women get child support.

    Women also get the highest percentage (by far) of federal welfare funding.

    Should we give them everything because they exercised their "right to choose"?

    The Government should get out of our lives.

  4. The most ridiculous thing is thinking that a father owes his kid cash.  In poor families in older times many fathers didn't give their kids cash, but gave them the lessons in life that helped them grow up to be good members of society.   No one seesm to give a d**n about that any more.  Today, if he's poor the first thing some fascist nanny state government type wants to do is throw him in jail  He's reduced to either someone who can provide a enough money and is therefore good, regardless of how well  he treats his child, or someone who can't provide enough money and bad, regardless of how he treats his child and thus a criminal.  Feminists will be the death of freedom in this country, mark my words.

  5. No.

    One: Because some men actually pay child support.

    Two: Because a man can already go to jail for falling so far behind his payments.

    Three: Because it's becoming more common for men to obtain custody of the children, so therefore many women are burdened with child support as well.

    Four: some people much rather pay off child support in prison as opposed to deal with the financial hardship of struggling with their bills while keeping up with child support.

    Last but not least: there will always be the ones who think they can get away with it. Just look at how much drunk driving has increased despite how the government has stiffen the consequences of drunk driving and actually enforce it.

    EDIT: I got your point, but why should tax payers like myself be burdened to pay for more criminals stay in prison. It's pretty much punishing the tax payer for the criminals problem. Prisons should be used to keep us safe from potentially dangerous criminals, not petty thieves.

    Besides, a two year sentence of making license plates (if they actually do that in prison) won't be enough to even put a dent into some peoples rearage. Also, if you want a person to serve enough time to be equivalent to the amount owed, than you must keep them in prison until all of their children turn 18 years of age, because child support is an ongoing payment until that point. Your idea makes no sense.

  6. Ha ha ha.  If you give every child support dodger a 2 year jail sentence, they will need to build a lot more prisons.  Nice twist though :-)

  7. no no NO. on every level on every account in every way.

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