
Would these "illegals" be welcomed by you or told to get a visa?

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BIA has their names and Nations on record are they still illegals in your eyes? Please no history lessons this is NOW that indigenous people seek rights to return.

In the United States, the combined populations of Native Americans, Inuit and other indigenous designations totalled 2,786,652 (constituting about 1.5% of 2003 US census figures). Some 563 scheduled tribes are recognized at the Federal level, and a number of others recognized at the State level.

In Mexico, approximately 6,011,202 (constituting about 6.7% of 2005 Mexican census figures) identify as indígenas (Spanish for natives or indigenous peoples). In the southern states of Chiapas, Yucatan and Oaxaca they constitute the 26.1%, 33.5% and 35.3%, respectively, of the population. In these states several conflicts and episodes of civil war have been conducted, in which the situation and participation of indigenous societies were notable factors




  1. If they were alive when it was "their own land" then by all means come on.  But since this is ancient history, illegal and not welcome.  War is an ugly thing, but it determines land ownership like it or not!

  2. Ancient history.

    Apply for a visa like anyone else.

  3. No illegals would be welcomed by me.

  4. You do know that a number of Nations are under investigation for allowing non-members to use their documentation, right?

    I think that these people have been absent from the US for far too long to claim the right to return.  We recognize OUR indigenous societies - that doesn't mean the US has to accept all the indigenous societies on the continent.

    Joel W. gave this answer on a post several pages back.  He claims Native American lineage in both the Cherokee and Apache Nations.   I think it answers your question:  

    "The Mexican Indians were never allowed to come north by the American Indians. Even the Yaqui were not allowed to come north. But they seldom tried to come north. It was far, far to barren to do so. Further, if you look, you discover that when the tribes of Mexico did try and come north, they tended to be killed.

    "I am sure there are blood brothers in Mexico. The Yaqui were the Mexican Version of the Apache Tribe, but they were slightly less friendly than a hungry Mountain Lion. But also, one of the few tribes that extended across the Mexican Border.

    "If it were the First Settlers from Mexico that did come north today, they would not be reclaiming their land.. they would be stealing my tribes land. But it is also a hard cold fact of life that the tribes did not 'own' land. They went where there was game and wild vegetables, and they fought to stay where there was game and wild vegetables. They did not own land."

  5. They Tuk Ur Jub.

  6. Yes, they are still illegals.  Trying to find a legal loophole by manipulating the records of indian tribes is simply nefarious.  The tribes that are promising illegal aliens they can stay by registering with their "tribes" for a fee are scams and the federal government is investigating them.  I have no sympathy for any of  them.  They can go about things legally or they can go back to their legal country of origin.

    Marilu Cabrera, a spokeswoman for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said even if illegal immigrants were adopted into federally recognized tribes, it wouldn't be enough to establish legal residency.

    For example, American Indians born in Canada must prove they have at least a 50 percent blood lineage to an American Indian tribe in order to establish legal residency here.

    "You can't just decide to become a member of a tribe and all of a sudden legalize your status," Cabrera said.

  7. I don't know what illegals you are talking about but this is the law.

    23.8  Section 289 Cases.

    (a) General .....  An American Indian born in Canada, with at least 50% American Indian blood, cannot be denied admission to the U.S., and is entitled to evidence of lawful permanent resident status

    Members of the First Nations and Native Americans Born in Canada


    My people have always been recognized as nations. These nations were never conquered in war.

    The American people brag that they shafted the Native Americans.

    The truth is that our leaders were strong leaders with foresight, and they entrenched our rights in the treaties.

    Because our leaders were so insightful we have many rights that other peoples do not have.

    Unrestricted access to "our traditional lands" is one of them.



    BTW BorderWarrior

    My people were “traders” and they traded with the nations in Mexico.

    This is not only in our oral history but…… it  is also well documented in the newspaper in my area.  The articles talk about trading parties returning from Mexico.  

    That not only points out how “recent” that was, but how “extensive” our traditional lands were.


  8. get a visia than welcomed

  9. Remind me again what the immigration policy is in Mexico and all other countries please. Thanks.

  10. Greed/selfishness is the destruction of all men... its gonna happen soon... just see whats happening in the world... but meh, I'ma die anyways so why should i care?

  11. You can't exclude history and then make a claim based on history... Chief

  12. they were here before any of us and therefore we should allow them to be a part of our population

  13. They would be told to get Visas. We have treated US citizens so poorly in the past,  US Japanese citizens imprisoned on US soil, Native Americans decimated, Blacks imprisoned without trial and murdered, we brush it way with the attitude that it does not matter because it is "ancient history".  It is our own arrogance that will cause us to fail as a country.

  14. BIA has their names and Nations on record are they still illegals in your eyes? Please no history lessons this is NOW that indigenous people seek rights to return.


    There are no indigenous people who need to seek the right to return.. they are on the land they own in fact.

    There are .no. indigenous peoples who were in the United States, who are now in Mexico.

  15. Like any wanton crime spree Illegal immigration is a social problem.  The issue is not about people. It's about preserving our society.  

    If we allow illegal immigration to become the crime that pays then other criminals who are US Citizens will say it's unfair that they were incarcerated in their own country for committing a crime, but the criminals from abroad roam free.  

    I know how dumb this sounds, but that I the trend these days.  I I have this nightmare where the American people are advocating for the right to commit crimes in the name of equality.  "Illegal immigrants make crime pay why can we"

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