
Would they be able to tell when I'm due?

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So I've had a pulmonary embolism in the past they think it was cause the the birth control pills (so they took me off of them)(this was couple years ago) and since them I've had not had normal periods like 2 years maybe 5 or 6 periods here and there. So when I don't have it I don't automatically think oh I'm pregnant, and I've been thinking lately that I can't get pregnant. And I have horrible acid reflex that makes me throw up randomly anyways. but yesterday, I was going through a medicine cab net and there was a pregnancy test, and I thought might as well take it, since my acid reflex that is bad was getting even worse, so I took it thinking it be negative anyways, and oh wow it turns up positive. I've mad a dr apt for monday, but the last random period I've had was like 3 or 4 months ago I can exactly remember and not like its reliable cause I go months without a period. So can they still calculate when I'm due and how far along I am. and since I've had blood clots I'm at high risk for having them again esp pregnant, anyone had blood clots during pregnancy and did you have a healthy baby were there any complications. I want a healthy baby, I'm so worried.




  1. Not sure about the clotting issue, but they will be able to tell your due date based on your ultrasound, which you should have at your first appt. Be sure to write down all your questions before your appt. Once you get there the excitement may cause you to forget the really important stuff that you need to know.

  2. They will definatley be able to get your due date when they do an ultrasound by taking measurments of the fetus. They can give you a rough estimate by a pelvic examination too. As you said, you will probably be a high risk pregnancy because of your medical history though and will be guided through pregancy by a dr who specializes in high risk. I do know blood clots can be an issue during pregnacy, your body will be making lots of blood thats for sure. I think if you have been doing alright with the blood clots for a few years you will probably be alright under the right supervision and if you follow drs orders whatever they may be. I don't imagine you smoke or drink because of your medical issue but if you do I would stop not just for the baby but those things could definately make the problem worse for both of you. Good Luck!  

  3. yeah they can get a blood test and guess your due date

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