
Would they hire me back????

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used to work at sports authority here at college for a few months, and in May i left to go home for the summer. I called in my last day of work and said that I couldnt go in and they were mad over it but I couldnt go in. Now I want to return and im alittle shy to call in and ask if they are hiring or would let me return. A girl told me last night that they didnt hate me over it but had been mad over the fact that I didnt go in my last day.

Friends of mine tell me to go back (friends that I had worked with). Should I go ahead and call tomorrow and try or just forget about it because they may not let me return and if they let me return I may not get a lot of respect because of how I quit?




  1. What do you have to lose?  The worst that can happen is that they say no.  Call them and see what they say.

  2. You can try, but I'd be armed with a good excuse of why you couldn't make it on your last day. If they take you back, learn a lesson from it. Plan ahead accordingly. If you know you will have to leave in May, make sure to give 2 weeks notice.  

  3. Have a good reason why you could not show up for the last day of work.  Did you give a notice when you quit the first time?  Hopefully a good explanation will keep you from burning the bridge.  Talk to the same supervisor that you were hired with, face to face and explain that you really liked the job and would like to come back.  If I were the manager I would have reservations in rehiring you due to the fact that you left me in a staffing bind the day you called out.  Hopefully you can smooth this out.  My question would be that if you left before like this will you leave again like this.  No one wants to hire someone that calls out the last day of work.  I wish you luck in getting your job back.  

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