
Would this be a cute first day of school outfit?

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  1. the top and bottom are fine. Just wear a different pair of shoes. like sandals or something like that.

  2. boots with skirts noo

  3. I love the skirt. But, I wouldn't wear the boots when it's still summer. And the link for the shirt doesn't work.

  4. I'm thinking wool sweater and snowmobile pants.  What the h**l, it's August!  I think sandals or flip flops may make you look less idiotic.  Who the h**l wears fur lined boots in August?  Let me guess,  Idiot chic.

  5. i like everything but the boots  

  6. uggs=ugly

  7. not now.

    should keep this idea.

    cuz maybe it's too hot now, but winter you can wear leggings with the uggs, and it would cute, but that's just me.


  8. tak out the uggs it's not winter.

  9. the first didnt work for me

    but the skirt and uggs are cute!

  10. no uggs

  11. The first link to the shirt didn't work, but I would guess that it was cute, cause the skirt definitely was!! I also love the boots with skirt thing. However wait till its a bit cooler (unless you live somewhere with a cooler temperature) to wear that super cute outfit!! Hope I helped!

  12. don't wear the uggs it's still summer.

  13. The first link doesn't work but the other two look really cute!

  14. No uggs otherwise yeah it is cute.

  15. yeea take out the uggs and wear flats  

  16. couldnt see the shirt but yes uggs and skirts r cute 2gether

  17. Um... its still summer why wear uggs? I would prefer the skirt with flats or flip flops but i overall i like it :)

  18. you are one expensive girl....and yea, you don't need the uggs...

  19. Um sry, not for me

  20. Personally, i wouldn't wear boots with  a skirt. But i guess i have my own style.  

  21. Your first link doesn't work, but i really like the skirt :)!

    The uggs are awesome, but its still summer ! It seems a bit hot to be wearing boots !

  22. cute uggs! u gotta love them. but personally i would suggest not wearing the uggs with the skirt, because it isn't yet winter. in the winter yes it will look cute especially with some stylish leggings.

    hope i helped u :]

  23. well wear a like red or yellow or green shirt that pops out and wear flats or flipflops uggs look great but well it is not winter

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