Please tell me what you think of this idea. I'm doing a "salsa cookoff" as an icebreaker at a corporate event. It's nothing serious, no big prizes or anything, just something fun. All the ingredients will be provided, nobody will be bringing their own recipes or anything. It's just for fun. Anyways I'm going to provide more unusual ingredients like pineapple and oranges and kiwi and stuff but i really don't want everyone throwing some diced tomatoes and onions and maybe adding some corn and being like "That's my salsa!" cuz i just think it would be boring if everyone made the same thing. What I'm thinking of doing is assigning each team a specific special ingredient ala iron chef and maybe giving them some recipe ideas and have them make their own salsa featuring their ingredient. The ingredients i'm thinking of are tomato (obviously), mango, pineapple, peach, apple, avocado, black bean, corn, watermelon, kiwi, and others along those lines.