
Would this be a cute idea for a salsa cookoff?

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Please tell me what you think of this idea. I'm doing a "salsa cookoff" as an icebreaker at a corporate event. It's nothing serious, no big prizes or anything, just something fun. All the ingredients will be provided, nobody will be bringing their own recipes or anything. It's just for fun. Anyways I'm going to provide more unusual ingredients like pineapple and oranges and kiwi and stuff but i really don't want everyone throwing some diced tomatoes and onions and maybe adding some corn and being like "That's my salsa!" cuz i just think it would be boring if everyone made the same thing. What I'm thinking of doing is assigning each team a specific special ingredient ala iron chef and maybe giving them some recipe ideas and have them make their own salsa featuring their ingredient. The ingredients i'm thinking of are tomato (obviously), mango, pineapple, peach, apple, avocado, black bean, corn, watermelon, kiwi, and others along those lines.




  1. That sounds like a Fun idea you'll need a lot of liquid in there to cool the hot mouths.

  2. That is an Awesome Idea... Sounds like so much fun, I want to come and be your judge...

    Set a time limit,also...

    Need a prize  that be remember it all...

    also video tape it and put the winner on UTube...

    That's so cool...

    It will be a hit

  3. That's sounds like a wonderful idea.  It will give everyone a chance to have fun with each other.  Sometimes work is so stressful, you need some fun time.  I hope it turns out well.  It is a very creative idea.  Have fun!!

  4. Very Interesting...

       That sounds like a Blast...

        Do just what you are thinking,,,you may have grumbling groaning and the one who does all the bitching and complaining, but tough,,,,,let them whine,,,,

  5. yeah, that's a great idea! you should totally do it!!

  6. Thats cool but make sure they like salsa.

  7. That sounds good.  I really don't think you need to give people a theme or restrict them to certain ingredients.  But it could produce interesting results.  Believe me, the salsas they create will still be very different.

    I would be first in line.  :)  

    I used to work for a company that had a yearly chili cookoff.  It was always a good time.

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