
Would this be a good 3 course meal to serve usa guests in the uk?

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friends of my fiances are coming over to the uk for the first time. they wont be staying with us but will be coming over for dinner and drinks one night and we are taking them out for lunch one day to

for lunch i was thinking either a traditional english pub or take them for high tea, finger cut sandwiches and small cakes and scones

for dinner i am thinking of cooking

starter - mini baby gem lettuces with prawn cocktail spooned into each leaf (so life 3 arranged on a place with a slice of lettuce) OR pot of garlic mushrooms and melba toast

main - full roast dinner with home made yorkshire puddings

desert - english trifle




  1. sounds gooooooooooooooood

  2. Go with that. If I was a guest in a different country I would want to experience what they normally eat. I wouldn't want american food on my trip.

  3. Oh yum, I love prawns and mushrooms, tough choice. I'm sure they will feel honored I know I would!  

  4. They should like it. US people usually like eating international foods and trying new things (unless they are really picky eaters.) Go ahead with the menu, it sounds delicious!

  5. Go ahead with the menu. it sounds great.

    i think they will want to eat english everyday food if they're from the U.s,

    Hope i helped. x

  6. taking your guests out will give them the engish feel.  when cooking for them make what your good at and has an easy prep time.  hosting is just as important than bogging yourself down in the kitchen.  go with traditional apps people love pre course food!

  7. The starter needs a re-think but the rest is just fine.

  8. Sounds good, I'd happily sit down to what you are planning except I do not eat beef but that leaves so many alternatives and I suspect anything you choose will be wonderful. It's difficult to get it wrong,

    I tried something the other night I remember as not being a favourite of mine and found it so tasty I plan to have it again and it's had me thinking of other meals that can be adapted from the basic ingredient and I found it healthier, less expensive and easy to prepare than prepared commercially bought fare and all it was lean Lamb Mince and diced onion browned off in a frying pan, then simmered in Bisto Gravy Granules made up as a stock with water for 25-30 minutes served up with New Potatoes and Broccoli.

    I'm not suggesting that here but I am suddenly learning so much again regarding food in the kitchen.

    Your menu can be as simple or complicated as you wish it to be. Don't stay in the kitchen all the time ;-)

    The site below may give you some extra ideas

  9. It sounds lovely!  Hope they appreciate it and that you all enjoy yourselves.  You might want to get some proper chocolate in too - most Americans seem to love Cadbury's.  (Not surprised though as that Hershey stuff is awful!)

  10. yeah sounds nice  

  11. take them to MacDonald's , .Burger King, or Kentucky fried chicken

  12. Unless your guests have allergies or are particularly picky eaters, I'd treat them to traditional English fare, whether out in the pub or in your home.  

    Wouldn't worry about the prawn cocktail, though.  How about something like English Stilton and biscuits; the mushrooms and toast, or a wedge lettuce salad.

    At any rate, enjoy your fiance's friends and let them get to know you!

  13. It sounds wonderful! ...  You might take them out for traditional fish & chips too.  I'd LOVE to try that sometime!  I know that the fish & chips in the US are a poor substitute for the real thing:)   ...  Another thing I'd like to try, that I've heard so much about, are Galaxy bars, so maybe get some for them.....

  14. Ooh yum that sounds delicious! You've got me hungry now lol.. yeah I'm sure they will like it. Everyone I've met in the US likes that stuff (roast) so that should be great... and for lunch I think they would like the pub... not too many Americans (well from my experience being here) like tea like the English do... :)

  15. I only have a question.

    Can i come ?

    The only substitute i would have you consider.

    Toasted wholemeal bread (crusts off) with Fresh smoke salmon.

    simple yet always a delight :)

    and go for afternoon tea.

    Not many appreciate afternoon tea and it is normally met with snobbery of the lower classes.

  16. LOL  I love a slice of lettuce.  Give 'em some good old fashioned english grub!

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