
Would this be a good guina pig cage?

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I am getting a Guinea pig friday and I was wondering if this would be a good size?

Alot of people on the reveiws like it. + I have minumal space

40½"L x 18"W x 20½"H

here are the Mesurments.

Here is the link




  1. I actually have that same cage lol.. Its a nice sturdy cage, good for guinea pigs.

    although i do recomend you put some toys in there..

    mine has a little bridge that he climbs on top of and a straw berry house thing that he hides and sleeps in:)

    also, i have experience with both sexes of guinea pigs and i do recommend a boy. they are nice and easier to handle..

    girls are like moody in a way, as in you never know when you can hold it and it wont snap at you..

    anyway.... hope i helped:P

  2. Ewwww... $60-$70 for that small thing?!?! Have you ever considered making on yourself, that is cheap and easy the make?  Click the link.

  3. yea 20 g*y uk queen euro things.

  4. that one should be fine,  biggger would be better for the guinea pig but if you are limited on space that will do.

  5. Its to long, try to get something more spacious where he or she can be happier in, think about getting one a little wider and your guinea pig will be much better off=]

  6. yea that would be absolutely fine, my class guinea pig last year had that page and she seemed to like it just fine, tho they might like a bigger one. but if you have minimal space then yes that will be fine.  

  7. That looks like a very good cage. We had two guinea pigs and bred them. Our cage was of a similar design, but of course larger -- and they were happy, noisy critters!

    I'm with the other guy -- you should be able to find a cage similar to this for a much better price.

  8. yeah as long its can move a lot in the cage for a lot of spaces.

  9. Yes for a single guinea pig this size cage would be fine.

    Though just for thought,guinea pigs prefer to a in pairs or groups.

    Thats how they are in the wild,but if the one guinea pigs is all you can keep,make sure that you spend a fair amount of time with the piggie!!

    Best of luck & hope i helped a little. =)

  10. $69.99??

    that would be about $20  over here in uk!!

  11. Sorry but NO!

    That cage is far too small.

    The absolute minimum size for a guinea pig cage is 7.5 - 8 sq feet. Bigger is always better - my own 2 pigs have about 13 sq feet.

    That cage is only 5 sq feet.

    Guinea pigs need enough space for at least one hidey per pig, toys etc, and still have enough space to run laps and popcorn.

    It is well established scientific fact that keeping animals in too small and/or barren cages causes a whole variety of health and welfare problems.

    Basically the animal gets bored, and frustrated at not being able to exhibit its natural behaviours. As a result it suffers from chronic stress - which can cause:

    Reduced fitness, obesity etc.

    Abnormal behaviour (e.g. steretypies, depression)

    Impaired immune response

    Increased cortisol levels (stress hormone)

    Increased heart rate and blood pressure

    Reduced learning ability and memory

    Muscular-skeletal disorders

    Reduced lifespan

    If space is an issue try spring cleaning. Go through all your stuff - get rid of anything you no longer need and reorganise the rest. You'll be amazed at how much more space you end up with.

    But, if you really can't offer more space than this, please reconsider getting a guinea pig. Keeping animals in tiny cages is simply cruel and unfair - please do the right thing!

  12. yeah it would be fine....a bigger one would probably be even nicer.

  13. That sounds really nice and don't forget the cedar shavings for the bottom of the cage.  

  14. First of all, DON'T USE CEDAR SHAVINGS! Any shavings with a strong sent could hurt your piggy.

    I just used a Tupperware-like storage box that was deep enough to contain my piggy and big enough for him to run around in (close to the size of the ones you have listed). It worked fine and didn't cost an arm and a leg.  

  15. Well the more room they have the better, but that one is perfectly fine and is generally the kind of cage guinea pigs live in.

    Enjoy your new piggie

  16. I think that cage may be kind of small once the guinea pig is full grown. It will be ok for when it's a baby. I used to have 5 guinea pigs in a cage that was about 6 feet x 2 1/2 feet.

  17. it would work, they wouldn't mind a little more space. just let them out to run around every once in a while :)

  18. any size really works. just make sure you get like an igloo for the guinea to hide in. They love that. i had 3 guinea pigs and the last one died about a week ago. i love them. you will enjoy it.  

  19. yeah just make sure it has stuff to keep it occupied and a box to hide in so it can get away and be private if it likes

  20. that is a great one you don't need anything bigger i hope you have fun with the Guiana pig

  21. Yes, it would work!

  22. thats the same one i got for my guinea pig a few years ago and it came with a bottle and some other stuff, occasionally i would take y guinea pig out, but she would use the little door as a ladder and climb back in.

  23. Looks like the same cage I have for my "Pig." As far as I know he loves it. It does take up a good bit of floor space though. Also make sure to buy your pig a igloo or hut, they really like to go in those. They are skittish creatures so they need a place to hide.

  24. yes my class used to have a guinie pig cage and i think its perfect!

  25. yeah it would be a good cage

  26. Yes it will be just fine. Just make sure to get your guinea pig out often and let him/her run around the room! But make sure to block anything you don't want him/her to get behind.

    Also, I would suggest getting an igloo or make a "nest" for it. Somewhere within the cage that they can run and hide if they want to, they love that!

    Handle your guinea pig a lot, and it will be a great pet! When I had one, it used to cuddle up against my neck when I'd lay down to watch t.v. and fall asleep. She was so sweet!

    Have fun and treat her well! :)  

  27. No, too small.

    Look at  

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