
Would this be a good homeschool summer project?

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I wanted to raise tadpoles and let my kids see how they change. They also wanted to raise butterflies. We also plan on completely re - landscaping our entire yard front and back and planting a tree. I thought instead of actual structured schooling we' do those things over the summer.




  1. We raised tadpoles one summer when I was a kid. It was so fascinating! They sound like great projects!

  2. That sounds heaps of fun!!! the best way for a kid to learn as well. I remember doing a year 9 science experiement with tadpoles, your never to old  lol

  3. Sounds good, the kids will learn a lot from all that observation and hands-on experience.

  4. You'll find that with your help, they'll learn far more doing this than any structured learning.

    Math (such as area for the yard, pond, figuring distance between plants, how many plants can fit in an area if they need three feet apart to grow, etc), biology (raising animals, seeing life cycle etc), botony (how plants grow, parts of plants, special feedings for acidic vs basic plants, how much sun and water the plants need), earth studies (movement of sun, creation of shade, affects of too much sun or shade on plants and water features), and basic research/scientific method (discovering what plants work best for your bioregion, xeriscaping options, how to care for animals and plants, and then keeping a gardening notebook to track how each plant does in its area)

    I'm sure there is plenty more academic issues that they'll be covering, but also think of the ethical issues they'll be learning, with hard work, dedication, conservation, research. You'll be building a stronger family and a beautiful yard at the same time. We always put in a veggie garden to show the purpose that we all have in our lives, as well as how we can take care of ourselves and reduce our dependency on walmart ;-)

  5. Great homeschooling projects!  

    Bob Jones use to have a project where you created a pond in a half of a barrel.  You lined it with that black plastic, put in water, a water plant or two like a lily pad and water lettuce.  Then you added goldfish or tadpoles.  We put a small fountain in ours too.  The kids kept a science journal on it.

    We also made a worm farm in a gallon jar. They loved that.

    All science should be hands on at your children's ages.  I just don't like textbooks at all unless they are hands-on for little kids. They don't' need a text until Jr High for science.  Magic School Bus books and movies are also great for science.

  6. That sounds like a lot of fun!  They'll be great projects, and the kids will likely learn a lot.  (There's a great lapbook on butterflies that my son did last year when we raised them, if you're interested - it's set up so both your 9yo and your 2.5yo could do one. )

    We're going to plan and tend an organic garden this summer and do some animal/nature studies at the local nature center (my son's 10).  I love the tadpoles/goldfish in a barrel thing - we may have to try that!  My parents (who are teachers) keep  goldfish barrels at their house, and my son loves them.  Summer's a great time to do learning projects like this!

    Have fun!

  7. my three year old raised a butterfly at his preschool, he enjoyed it, take your kids out on trips, they will learn a whole lot. (yosemite, niagara falls, your local natural reserve area...)

  8. That sounds like it will be lots of fun for all of you to do together. When you're done, you will have a nice front/back yard to relax in.

  9. ii dont think you can do that unless that class is your summer school class... you can get in trouble with the police and board of education if you meet the kids alltogether during summer with no school going on...

    i still think it ia a good idea to do that, just not with regular-school year students...

  10. the tadpole one would be good if they don't die.  you'd have to keep a pretty good little pond going for them.

  11. Fabulous ideas!  You go for it, Mom!!

  12. Well, I don't exactly Homeschool, but my kids go to school at home, online, with Treca digital academy here in Ohio. Yes, I think that sounds like very good ideas. Do you know about the online leaning sites, like BrainPop? It is really good, and there is another that teaches alot of Science, called The Jason Project, or the Jason Expeditions. Thought I'd tell you about these, they are alot of help and throughly teaches.

  13. i guess

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