
Would this be a good present for my mum?

by Guest33547  |  earlier

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Okay, it's my mum's birthday on the 13th September and I thought for her present I could get my Dad to take a nice photo of me and my sisters in the garden (he has a really good camera) then take it to the printers and get it printed off in a size like 10x12 inches and put it into a really nice mounted frame. Would this be okay? Also, would the photo be better in colour or black and white if I did do this?




  1. you really have a nice idea for a gift for your mother, im sure ur mom's gonna love it. black and white is really good. but you can also try having it made like a puzzle or mosaic. some photo studios do it, you know, something new and different for that special person.

  2. Yes great idea. If your dad can put it on the computer you can choose which looks best. I personally would like colour.

    Print a little label for the back, putting date, ages etc.

    Lovely keepsake I´m sure your mum  will treasure. You may all want a copy to keep too for your old age!!

  3. Wonderful idea, classic gift, any mum would love it. As long as it is a half decent camera and make sure that the lighting is good in the garden. Apart from that go for it! She will be very pleased!

    I think the photo would be much better in colour because colour generally shows happiness, and there is nothing more than for a mother to see their wonderful happy family presented in a picture.

    This gift is an excellent idea, she will love it.

    Good luck x

  4. That's a really nice thought, get it in B&W though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. What a lovely idea.  I would love this for myself.  I would prefer lots of colour.  And maybe some flowers or shrubs in it.


  6. That is a brilliant idea!! as a mum myself I would love it as a present my personal preference would be for sepia ( not quite black and white more browny tones like old fashioned pictures) everyone just looks so much better in the picture.

  7. Very nice!

  8. i think its a gr8 idea! i think u should do it in black in white to give it a gd effect!

    im sure she will luv it!


  9. Sounds great. Either B&W or colour would look good. If your garden has a lot of colour, it might be more eye-catching in colour.  

  10. I think black and white would be best. Sounds like a great birthday present, maybe a lil something to go with it, such as some chocolates, and a handmade card saying how much you love her and how important she is in your life. Mothers never get tired of hearing that. I am a mother of 8 and can vouch for that! Happy birthday to you mum also for the 13th!

  11. That's a great idea. As an artistic print it would look better in black and white, but because it's a personal present for your mum I think you should get it printed in colour. She can then have a lovely photo reminder of you all for years, and be able to see all the nice colours of your clothes, hair, the garden, etc.

  12. yeah,

    that's what i do every year for my mum and she loves it!

    i'd go for sepia personally because it looks more homey

    but that'sis just my opinion

    good luck! xx  

  13. yep sounds great...b&w  

  14. NO, its horrible, if i waz ur mum i'll bin it on da spot

  15. It sounds really sweet and I think you should get it in black and white

  16. yes, but colored is better than black and white.

  17. a rabbit

  18. leave it in color;...

  19. color picture would look great

    i hope your mum likes it

  20. it is a great idea!

  21. Not bad

  22. Sounds nice. Yeah black and white looks better.  

  23. I won't take a pic of you LOL

    we seen your pic last night


    do it if you want to give ur mam a fright

  24. That would be a fantastic present.

    You can upload it onto the computer and see it in colour and balck and white and then chose which one is best.

    Really great present-go for it!

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