
Would this be a nice thing to do?

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Well I moved out of home in February this year for University. I moved to the capital of my country and my Mum and younger brother still live at home, which is about a 2 hour plan trip away.

My Mum and I havn't always gotten along and we aren't close, I have been treated badly by her in the past. However I'm trying to move on. She has helped with a lot of expenses for University.

My Mum likes soccer and the only New Zealand team plays in the city I live in. My Mum hasn't been up to visit me this year, but I've been home twice.

I was thinking of surprising her, by flying her up here and buying her a ticket to the soccer game. It'll probably cost about $400 (NZD) or $300 USD.

I can afford it, however I'm not sure if this would be what she'd really appreciate. Like she would probably rather that money go towards something else (like the food bills). I don't want to ask her if she would like it, because if I do it I want it to be a surprise!

What do you think?




  1. I think she'd love it.

    It's always the thought that counts.

    Good luck.

  2. That's really sweet, I think your mom would be really happy if you did that.  She'd get to see you and watch her favorite sport!  Money for bills goes out the window if you're having fun with your mom once in a while. Good luck! =]

  3. I think you should go for it, but I'm not sure that it should be a total surprise. Ask her if she'd like to come and visit, and if she seems enthusiastic, then go ahead with the plans for the soccer match.

  4. I thiink you should do that :]

    It would be a way for the 2 of you to get along better. It will bond your relationship.

    That sounds like an awesome Idea=[]

  5. Well I think it is very kind and loving of you to want to do something special for your mom. Do you think that your mom would lke you subscribing to a sports channel so she can watch most or all of the New Zealand's televised games.I know it is more exciting to watch the game live but on t.v. she could watch more of the season's games.Since you say that your mom would probably want the money for groceries maybe that would be the route to go..It may not be as exciting as flying in for a game, or watching the sports channel but it is  also a thoughtful gesture made from love from a daughter to her mother.No matter hat your mom will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  6. I think you should do it. A simple act of showing that you care goes a long way and maybe you two could see things in a better light now that you are older :]

    Even if you two don't start getting along, it's a nice way to say thank you for helping you with the expenses

  7. i think she would like it very much if she likes soccer and the tickets were a gift from u so u guys could go together

    go for it 8)

    good luck

  8. Wabby, that would be extremely nice.  Thank you and good day.

  9. Hmm...maybe she will like it =]

    You should go for it.

    But I know if it were me, I would prefer the money to go to something else =]

  10. What a nice daughter you are! You're also showing how mature you are by moving on, and doing something so kind for you mother despite your past.

    If it sounds like she doesn't appreciate it, just explain to her, that you wanted to do something sweet because you love her. =] That would be a very nice thing to do.

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