
Would this be an appropriate piece of art for a guy?

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i want to paint a picture for my friend, he likes paintings so i just want to know if this would be a good subject.

it would be a guy smoking a cigarette, but he would be wearing one of those hats from old hollywood, with his head tilted down so you can't see his face, just his hand holding the cigarette.

it would be really stylized and have smoke coming of the cigarette, and i think it would be really cool.

would this be something a guy might like? would he think it was g*y?

(my friend smokes and likes old hollywood by the way)

i'm thinking of basing it off this picture, only you would only be able to see his jaw...

and this kind of hat...




  1. If he's into that kind of thing I think of gift of that subject matter would probably be well appreciated. It sounds like a good subject to paint and you could really set a mood with something like that, having him facing down makes him mysterious and brooding to start with. You can play with it from there.

  2. that sounds pretty awesome to me.  

  3. As long as it's a strong jaw or looks like your friend, it would be perfectly acceptable.  Just be very careful to not make the suject too feminine, or it starts to look like yaoi kind of thing...

  4. Wicked. It kind of reminds of gangsters, mobsters, gamblers,...Al Capone, Scarface...etc.

    "Go big or go home" kind of mentality.  

    If I had a recreational room, with a pool table or small bar...that painting would be awesome. A Cigarette? about cuban cigar?

    ...great idea,...I think it's good go for it.  


  5. I think he would like it, try to interpret his favorite movie too, they love that!

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